Fly Plugins presents
Exchange Membership for
WP Courseware.
Have you ever wanted to sell an online course or e-course?
The Exchange Membership Addon for WP Courseware will add full integration with WP Courseware. It will allow you to assign WP Courseware courses to a membership level. Once the course(s) are assigned to a membership level, upon purchase of a membership level, a student will automatically be enrolled into the associated courses.
With this addon, you will be able to create a fully automated LMS system in which you can sell your courses online.
Exchange Membership Plugin Integration with WP Courseware Plugin
Basic Configuration Steps
- Create a course with WP Courseware and add module(s), unit(s), and quiz(zes)
- Add units to modules, and add quizzes to units with in modules
- Create a course outline page using [shortcode]
- Create a membership level and set a price
- Associate one or more WP Courseware courses with the membership level
- New users pay for membership level, and WP Courseware assigns them to the appropriate course(s) based on the membership level
Check out Fly Plugins
For more info about Fly Plugins check out the following links:
This is not an actual membership plugin. It is only the integration, or “middle-man” between WP Courseware and Exchange Membership.