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Exit Popup with Offer by Autience

开发者 kranthitech
更新时间 2016年11月7日 18:17
捐献地址: 去捐款


checkout exit popup optinmonster offer exit intent yes or no popup cart abandonment abandoning visitors discount offer optimonk offer popup discount offer popup exit overlay bounce exchange bounceexchange



This plugin is NO LONGER SUPPORTED We have merged with Yeloni Exit Popup What can you do with this popup? How to use the Plugin? *Here is a video tutorial: Customizations *1. Select a theme 3. Customize triggering event: If you have any problems, suggestions or ideas, please report them here To know more about Autience: Click Here


Installing the plugin: On the wordpress dashboard, click on Plugins -> Add new and search for “Yes or No popup by Autience” Click on “Install”to install the plugin Click on Activate to activate the plugin Once installed, click on Settings -> Yes or No Popup to setup the popup Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: == Screenshots == 1. Once you install the plugin, you go to settings and click on Autience Offer popup
  1. You can either go with the theme that is shown, or you can choose a different theme by clicking "change"
  2. This is the theme for the background image. The image and all the text can be edited as per your liking.
  3. This is the theme for foreground image, the text and image can be edited here too.
  4. This is the offer with a list, here also you can edit all the content on the popup.
  5. Once you have changed all the text as required, click on the Next button. In the new section, you can setup when your popup should show up (trigger event), how often should it show up for repeat visitors. You can also select if the close button is to be shown
  6. Now you have to select where should the user be redirected on clicking the Yes button. This could be a landing page, a product page or any important page you want your visitors to be on. You can also close the popup without redirecting the user
Now sitback and enjoy your improved conversion rate :)


1.5.5 Made compatible with PHP 5.2