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Export Assist

开发者 shoaiyb
更新时间 2021年3月11日 20:55
PHP版本: 4.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7
版权: GPL v2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


posts wordpress pages xml exporter blogger blogspot


1.0 1.5


The only plugin that help you to easily export wordpress posts and pages to blogger in xml file. No registration or ID's required. It's absolutely free and simple. Just install and get started.


automatic install
  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New.
  2. Use the search form in the top-right to search export assist.
  3. On the search results that appear, click on Export Assist.
  4. Click the Install Now button to install the plugin.
  5. Click Activate to activate the plugin.
via ftp client
  1. Upload export-assist to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress Dashboard.
  3. Go to Settings -> Export Assist and get started.
via admin dashboard
  1. Download the .zip file of the plugin.
  2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Press the Upload Plugin button at the top of the page.
  4. Click Choose File and select the plugin file from your computer.
  5. Press Install Now.


1.5 1.0