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Facebook Like Button Plugin

开发者 Lucas Cobb Design
更新时间 2010年4月26日 12:34
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 1.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.9.2


plugin social facebook like button like



This plugin ads the Facebook Like Button before or after each of your posts and pages. You can also add the like button to your index page if you choose. This functionality easily allows your friends to promote your posts on their Facebook profiles.


  1. Download the plugin package
  2. Unpack and upload folder to /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Head to your dashboard and activate the plugin.
  4. Configure the plugin options and you are good to go!


  • Second stable release.
  • First stable release.


Why use this plugin?

This plugin automatically ads the FB like button so you don't have to manually do it for each post or page.

How do you adjust the settings

After activating the plugin a new menu item will be added under Settings labeled 'Facebook-Like-Button'

Why is there so much whitespace under the like button

Facebook has this space to show faces of FB members who liked your post or page. If you disable show faces in the settings it will get rid of that space.


2.0 1.0