With this plugin it is easy to embed Facebook Video's on your WordPress website.
You can embed Facebook Video's code using this shortcode
[fbvideo id="xxx"]
It is possible to pass more arguments for the video size:
[fbvideo id="xxx" height="403" width="716"]
Usage (allowed parameters)
- id - facebook video id, extract from the url: eg http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=313954715398, becomes
[fbvideo id="313954715398"]
- width - width of the video in pixels
[fbvideo id="313954715398" width="100%"]
or [fbvideo id="xxx" width="640"]
(by default width="716");
- height - height of the video in pixels
[fbvideo id="313954715398" height="480"]
(by default height="403");
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Install plugin and activate it on the Plugins page;
- Add shortcode
[fbvideo id="313954715398" height="403" width="716"]
to page content;