Fancy Product For Elementor WordPress Page Builder. A fully free and endless customization Woocommerce loop. It's free and has lots of options to create a perfect Woocommerce loop element and sell your products.
Check out Demos
- 6 fancy and stunning Woocommerce Loop.
- Pagination. You could customize and edit styles of Woocommerce loop pagination on three states(normal, hover, active).
- Show Woocommerce product grid with custom columns.
- Edit and customize the Add To Cart Button.
- Edit and customize Onsale badge.
- Control and limit the product description to your desired words.
- Responsive woocommerce grid.
- Show products by Categories.
- Show products by Tags.
- Sort and order products by ID, author, title, date, rand and comment_count.
- Show products by featured, onsale, best selling and top rated.
- Show product image in custom image sizes.
- Set Border For grid items(On Normal And Hover State).
- Set Box Shadow Style (On Normal And Hover State).
- Set Space between the product grid items.
- set Border Radious for Product grid items (normal and hover).
Note : This plugin works with Elementor. Make sure you have
Elementor installed.
- Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
- You can type \"Fancy Product For Elementor on your element tabs within Elementor editor and all the Woocommerce element will appear.
- Done! Enjoy :)