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Happy WooCommerce FAQs & AI FAQ Generator

开发者 wpfeelteam
更新时间 2025年1月25日 18:28
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
版权: GPLv2 or later
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faq faqs question and answer product faq woocommerce faqs


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Happy WooCommerce FAQs: The best solution for seamless WooCommerce FAQs Happy WooCommerce FAQs is a feature-packed, flexible, and robust product FAQ plugin for WooCommerce. It might be your best shot if you want to increase sales by answering your customer’s most commonly asked questionnaires smartly. [youtube] Premium Version | Documentation | Video Tutorials | Get Support
This advanced WooCommerce Question Answer plugin can skyrocket your sales and increase your business’s online visibility. Indeed, a tool that should not be missed for any product site.
⭐ TOP FEATURES Here’s a glimpse of the top features of this ultimate FAQ plugin for WooCommerce: Let’s explain these features one by one. ♾️ UNLIMITED FAQS The Happy WooCommerce FAQs plugin allows you to add unlimited FAQs to your eCommerce store. It doesn’t matter how many products you have in your online store, this WooCommerce FAQ plugin got you covered. You can even add global FAQs for your products. 🎨 INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT FAQ Every product is special. So, it’s very common for customers to have specific questions about specific products. As an owner, it’s your sole duty to convert those product visitors into probable buyers by answering their custom questions with this FAQ accordion plugin. 🤖 SCHEMA SUPPORT Watch Video Increasing search engine visibility is one of the best ways to grow your business. The better ranking you have, the more traffic you will get from the search engines. If you want to rank your product page, then you must use the FAQ schema. 🗣️ FAQ COMMENT To enable comment support, please go through “Happy FAQs > Settings > Comment” and select enable. The comments and comment forms are fully customizable. Besides, you can also update the comment font, color, design, button styling, etc. Customers or visitors can submit their comments to every product FAQ. After that, Admin can either approve or delete comments. The approved comments will be displayed on the front. This commenting feature helps you get customer feedback on your WooCommerce products and the product FAQs. Upgrade to PRO | Documentation | Support 🔀 SORTING FAQS The Happy WooCommerce FAQs plugin works in a more advanced way than the other FAQ accordion plugins. This FAQ sorting feature might be a great example to support this statement. Happy WooCommerce FAQs allows the users to sort the FAQs under different parameters like ‘order’ and ‘order_by’. You can also implement this sorting feature by using shortcodes. Check the following feature to learn about using the shortcode feature. 🚀 SHORTCODE SUPPORT A smart representation of WooCommerce product FAQs impacts sales directly. That’s why you must display the product FAQs wherever needed. That’s why this WordPress FAQ plugin comes with the shortcode feature. Read More ℹ️ You can display all FAQs for a random product having FAQs with the default template: [ffw_template] ℹ️ To display all FAQs for a specific product, use the following shortcode: [ffw_template id=20] 💡 Here, 20 is the product id. Replace it with your desired product id. ℹ️ To display FAQs for specific FAQ categories, use the following shortcode: [ffw_template cat_ids="32, 33"] 💡 If the cat_ids exist, then the product id will be ignored. Here 32 & 33 are FAQ categories id. Please use the comma separator while inputting the data. If you want to sort the product FAQs using shortcodes, you can do it by using ‘order’ and ‘order_by’ parameters. The supported values for ‘order’ (Default Value: ‘ASC’) – ‘DESC’, ‘ASC’ The supported values for ‘order_by’ (Default Value: ‘ID’) – ‘ID’, ‘date’, ‘title’, ‘name’, ‘date’, ‘modified’, ‘comment_count’, ‘author’. ℹ️ Use the shortcode below to display FAQs for a current product ID (for the single product page): [ffw_template dynamic_post=true] 💡 This shortcode is appropriate for single product pages. ℹ️ Use the following shortcode to display all FAQs for a specific product with a specific template by this easy accordion FAQ plugin. [ffw_template template=1 id=20] 💡 Use the following template ids to show FAQs 🎦 MEDIA/IMAGE SUPPORT IN FAQ ANSWER A picture is worth a thousand words. While answering the questions, you might need to use some images or videos to explain the answer better. To help you in this situation, Happy WooCommerce FAQs allows the insertion of digital media in the answers. It not only helps to answer the questions better but also answers them more appropriately. You can insert every media file that is supported by WordPress. 🎢 MULTIPLE LAYOUTS – STANDARD TEMPLATES FOR FRONT VIEW This Product FAQ for WooCommerce has five built-in templates to choose from. These are - 🎬 SHOW/HIDE FAQ ANSWERS ON PAGE LOAD By default, the product FAQs are listed just like a simple FAQ accordion style. If you want to read the answer to a specific question, you have to click on that question, and it will show the answer. But, Happy WooCommerce FAQs is designed to offer something extra than others. So, you can set whether you want to show or hide the answers while the product page loads initially. 👨‍💻 OPTION TO EXPAND/COLLAPSE ALL FAQS Besides controlling the FAQs visibility from the dashboard panel, the Happy WooCommerce FAQs manager plugin lets the customer control it from the front-end interface. ⚡ Maximize the efficiency of your WooCommerce FAQ creation process You will get a lot of effort minimizing features from the free version of this WooCommerce faq accordion plugin. But you will definitely enjoy the pro version since it saves your time and resources more efficiently. With Happy WooCommerce FAQs Pro, your sales will increase dramatically because it will enhance the standard of your WooCommerce products by making them more informative. Pro Features of Happy WooCommerce FAQs: 👕 FAQs by Product Categories Assign product categories to FAQs. It will minimize your time to connect FAQs with products. 👕 FAQs by Product Tags Assign product tags to FAQs. It will minimize your time to connect FAQs with products. ❓ Customer Asking Questions (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Feature to make customer capable to ask a question on product, shipping, payment, coupon, order etc. 👟 Variation Product FAQs (PRO FEATURE) Easily create FAQs for variation products and easily engage with your customers by answering their variation queries about the child products. 📑 More Beautiful Templates (PRO FEATURE) With premium FAQ templates, you can display standard product FAQs and boost your sales. 👕 Display Location in Product Pages (PRO FEATURE) Display faqs anywhere on the product pages, it will give you the flexibility to adjust faqs with your design theme interface. 🚪 Display in Archive Pages (PRO FEATURE) Display faqs on the product archive pages (product category and tag). Archive WooCommerce FAQs can be displayed for ecommerce customers. 🟦 Display in Shop Page (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Display shop related faqs anywhere on the shop page, you may have shipping, payment, order, discount related FAQs to display in Shop page. 🛒 Display in Cart Page (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Display cart related faqs anywhere on the cart page, you may have shipping, payment, order, discount related FAQs to display in Cart page. 🛍️ Display in Checkout Page (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Display checkout related faqs anywhere on the checkout page, you may have shipping, payment, order, discount related FAQs to display in Checkout page. ⚛️ DYNAMIC PRODUCT ATTRIBUTE (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Effortlessly create dynamic FAQs for your WooCommerce store with Happy WooCommerce FAQs PRO. Use placeholders like {product_price} in your FAQ answers, and the assigned products will dynamically display their specific values. This powerful feature saves time by generating product-specific responses without creating individual FAQs. Enhance your WooCommerce product FAQs with dynamic attributes for a seamless user experience. 🌐 Global FAQs (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Creating identical FAQs for all your WooCommerce products can be tedious. With Happy WooCommerce FAQs, you can streamline the process using the Global FAQs feature. Set the same FAQ for your entire store effortlessly—just create it once and mark it as a Global FAQ. It will automatically appear in every product's FAQ section, saving time and enhancing consistency across your online store. ⬅️ RTL SUPPORT (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Happy WooCommerce FAQs already supports several languages, but it transcends all boundaries with RTL support. RTL languages such as Arabic, Aramaic, Azeri, Hebrew, Kurdish, Persian, etc, are supported in Happy WooCommerce FAQs PRO. 🔍 SEARCH FAQs (PRO FEATURE) Watch Video | Read More Happy WooCommerce FAQs is indeed one of the best WordPress accordion plugins for WooCommerce. You’ll be able to find the exact FAQ within seconds using this FAQ accordion tool.It offers a flexible search option for your WooCommerce product FAQs. The comprehensive search functionality in the FAQ area will allow you to search out the FAQ you are looking for. ☲ MULTI-COLUMN SUPPORT (PRO FEATURE) Typically a FAQ section comes with a simple outlook that contains questions, answers, and a faq dropdown option. Using Happy WooCommerce FAQs PRO, you can generate FAQs with unique viewing experiences for the users. It allows you to personalize the FAQ area with Multi-column support. Users can now see more FAQs and access them without even scrolling the screen. You can simply enable or disable multi-column FAQs using this amazing tool. For user convenience, this feature displays more FAQs inside a relatively compact viewing area. Upgrade to PRO | Documentation | Support 💚 Satisfied with our Happy WooCommerce FAQs plugin? 👉 Join our LinkedIn PageRate us on WordPress [Your Review, Our Inspiration]


Before installing the plugin please make sure that This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. Search Way:
  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard "Add New Plugin" section.
  2. Search For "Product FAQ".
  3. Install, then Activate it.
Manual Way:
  1. Upload faq-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Go through menu like Happy FAQs > Settings.
  4. In product tab section you will find a menu called FAQs, click it, click Add new and a popup will come.
  5. Add question and add answer.
  6. Done!


  • Google FAQs Schema Support
  • AI FAQs Generator
  • Customer Asking Questions
  • FAQs in Shop Page
  • FAQs in Cart Page
  • FAQs in Checkout Page
  • Dynamic Product Attributes
  • Global FAQs
  • RTL Support
  • Beautiful FAQs Templates


Does it work with any theme?

Our plugin is user friendly, but here you can see some frequently asked questions that can help you. Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme.

Can product categories be assigned with FAQs?

Yes, You can assign product categories with the FAQs. However, the feature is not for the free version. Although, you can assign products to the FAQs in free version to create unlimited FAQs.

Can I display FAQs in Product Category and Tags pages?

In free version, you can display in Product pages. You need premium version to display faqs in Product archive pages.

Is this plugin responsible?

Yes, this awesome Faq WooCommerce Questions and Answers plugin is responsive with any media devices.

Can we write html content?

Yes, you can write html markup for answers with wp editor.

Can I sort faq list?

Yes,You can sort faq list easily. We have added the support since version 1.3.0

Is it support Schema?

Yes,We have Google Rich Schema support since version 1.2.2

Can we use media?

Yes, you can use media in the content.We have media support since version 1.1.5

Can we use custom style?

Yes, you can customize with your own styles.We have style support since version 1.2.0

Does it support comments?

Yes, Visitors or Customers can comment on per product faqs. Admin can customize the full comments and product questions answers comment forms. We have comment support since version 1.3.18

How many template can we use?

Currently we provide five standard templates, more beautiful FAQ templates exists in our premium version.

Can I use shortcode to show faqs?

Absolutely yes! You can use [ffw_template] to show faqs, for details please see shortcode description above.


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