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FAQ with categories

开发者 ruigehond
更新时间 2025年2月20日 00:54
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3


questions faq answers frequently asked


1.5.0 1.5.1 1.2.0 1.1.5 1.1.7 1.3.0 1.1.6 1.1.8 1.3.1 1.4.0


FAQs are great for your visitors and when implemented correctly also for SEO. This simple FAQ plugin creates a new post-type. This is straightforward and flexible: you can now create and manage FAQs like any other post type in WordPress. The FAQs can be summoned using shortcodes, the default for the central FAQ page is [faq-with-categories]. More options are explained below and on the settings page. FAQs are always sorted by published-date descending, so newest entries are first (you can manipulate the published date of each post). You can choose a taxonomy, the default is ‘category’, to attach your FAQ posts to. You can now summon FAQs for a specific category (including sub categories) on a page. The plugin also uses it to filter the FAQs if you place the filter on your central FAQ page. If you want some FAQs in other locations that do not appear on the central page you can use an ‘exclusive’ tag. When there are many entries, a ‘Show more’ button appears automatically (configurable in the settings) Pros Cons Short codes You may use the following shortcodes, of course certain combinations do not make sense and may produce erratic behaviour. [faq-with-categories] produces the default list with all the faqs and outputs FAQ snippets schema in the head. Use only ONCE for central FAQ page, and on pages that are linked to a taxonomy (category) in the plugin. [faq-with-categories-filter] produces a filter menu according to the chosen taxonomy using the specified order (only works when default shortcode is also on that page). [faq-with-categories-search] produces a search box that will perform client-side lookup through the faqs (only works when default shortcode is also on that page). [faq-with-categories quantity="5"] (1) limits the quantity of the faqs to 5, or use another number. Can be combined with the other settings. [faq-with-categories category="category name"] (1) display only faqs for the specified category (case-insensitive). This will NOT output FAQ snippets schema in the head. [faq-with-categories exclusive="your tag"] (1) (use only ONCE for every tag) any tag you specified under a faq entry in the box, will gather all faqs with that tag for display. [faq-with-categories title-only="any value"] outputs the list as links rather than as an accordion. (1) NOTE: only a limited number of faqs will be present on the page, searching and filtering will be limited to those. Template The post-type is called ruigehond010_faq, so you can create a single-ruigehond010_faq.php and archive-ruigehond010_faq.php template should you want to format the display in more detail. Have fun. Let me know if you have a question!


  1. Install the plugin by clicking ‘Install now’ below, or the ‘Download’ button, and put the faq-with-categories folder in your plugins folder.
  2. Activate it on the plugins page
  3. Click on FAQ in your admin menu to create your first FAQ.
Upon uninstall FAQ with categories removes its own options and taxonomy sorting table. However, it leaves the FAQ posts in the database currently. If you are positive you don’t need the FAQ posts anymore, bulk-delete them before uninstalling the plugin.


  • ruigehond010_faq post-type lets you easily manage the faqs
  • Customize the plugin using the options
  • The categories can be coupled to a page, and you can order them as well


1.5.0 If you use a single FAQ template, you can now get the faq_page_id from the options (get_option( 'ruigehond010' )[ 'faq_page_id' ]) if you want, to link to the overview page. 1.3.0 IMPORTANT if you target FAQ elements with CSS, the following elements have changed, because multiple lists are now possible on the same page:
  • #ruigehond010_faq -> .ruigehond010.faq
  • #ruigehond010_more -> .ruigehond010.more
  • #ruigehond010_no_results_warning -> In addition, the choose-category select list dropped the faq class, you can now target it with .ruigehond010.choose-category If you use a single and / or archive template, you may need to update the id’s to classes there as well.


1.5.1: prevent upgrade statement to run for every admin request 1.5.0: expose FAQ page id in code and allow author + excerpt for FAQ post type 1.4.0: control output schema in settings, add option to not open first FAQ in list 1.3.1: prevent error during activation or uninstalling 1.3.0: allow multiple lists on one page, best practices security fixes 1.2.0: only show filter options where there are actual faq items 1.1.8: fix updating ordering table when rows are missing 1.1.7: allow editors to manage the faq post type 1.1.6: automatic deploy, no functional changes 1.1.5: improved accordion handling, removed animation 1.1.4: added screenshots, released on 1.1.3: plugin determines max-height of faq posts on client itself, fix apply_filters would sometimes not work the first time 1.1.2: you can now decide which html tag is used for the header of each faq on the faq page, fix ordering taxonomy would delete coupled page 1.1.1: small fixes and updated translation, added admin warning message for duplicate short codes 1.1.0: added page linking to taxonomy for automatic selection of the corresponding faqs on them, option to output faq snippet on single pages 1.0.7: added no results warning message 1.0.6: fixed faq display with limited quantity and / or title-only could register as the main faq page 1.0.5: improved accordion, added option to only use the ‘more’ button on the central faq page, improved explanations + translations 1.0.4: updated translations 1.0.3: refactored javascript to OOP so it works more reliably with less code, you can specify button text + max in settings 1.0.2: updated link on plugins page, updated readme 1.0.1: short_code ‘category’ now selects posts the same way as querystring (specifically also all the posts belonging to children) 1.0.0: Release