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Favorite Toots

开发者 cdevroe
更新时间 2024年3月29日 20:13
WordPress版本: 6.5
版权: GPL-2.0-or-later
版权网址: 版权信息


block mastodon favorites




Add a list of your favorite toots on Mastodon to any page on your website using a block.


  • Great toots need to be seen
  • An unheard song... you get the point, show off your toots!
  • Your favorite toots need to be seen by the world
  • Great toots need to be seen
  • An unheard song... you get the point, show off your toots!
  • Your favorite toots need to be seen by the world
  • Great toots need to be seen


Why does this plugin exist?

By default Mastodon does not expose an account's favorite toots. By using this plugin, you're able to share your favorite toots on your website.

How do I determine my Mastodon instance URL?

Your Mastodon instance URL is usually the domain name that appears in your username. For example, my Mastodon username is so my instance URL is

Where do I get an Mastodon API key?

  1. Log into your Mastodon instance.
  2. Click Preferences > Development
  3. Choose "New application"
  4. Application name: Favorite Toots WordPress
  5. Application Website: Your website URL
  6. Redirect URI: (leave as-is)
  7. Scopes: read:bookmarks read:favourites read:statuses
  8. Click Save.
  9. Copy and paste your "Access Token" into the settings of the Favorite Toots plugin at Settings > Favorite Toots.

Where can I provide feedback?

I welcome feedback, code, and feature suggestions! You can submit a thread to the WordPress Support Forums or on GitHub has an issue.


0.2.4 0.2.3 0.2.2 0.2.1 0.2.0 0.1.0