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Developer finalcut
Update Time Feb. 7, 2013, 5:15 a.m.
PHP Version: 1.5 +
WordPress Version: 3.3 (php 5.3.5)
Copyright: GPLv2 or later (same as wordpress uses). Truth be told I don't really understand all of the different open source licenseing options. See the Description for more info.


feeds rss atom listings


2.22 2.22.1 2.22.2 2.22.3 2.22.4 2.22.5 2.22.6 2.23 2.24 2.50 2.51 2.60 2.61 2.61.01 2.61.02 2.61.03 2.70.00


This plugin fetches RSS or ATOM feeds from the url you provide and displays them on your blog. It can be used to manage "hot links" sections or anything else you can grab via an RSS or ATOM feed. The plugin also supports wordpress filters by letting you embed a feed into your post. The initial idea for this plugin came from the plugin that can be found at - Secondary inspiration for the ATOM integration comes from James Lewis at - I had been thinking about doing it and he did it which pushed me to make the integration. Finally: A bit more info on the license: I'll say that you can use the source code in this plugin however you want. If you change it I won't help you fix things. If you sell it - great; I wish I had made some money off of it. You can use it for any purpose you imagine just don't blame me if it doesn't work as well as you'd hoped while imagining.


INSTALLATION: 1.) Place the plugin (feedlist.php) in your wp-content/plugins/feedlist directory. (create the feedlist directory if necessary) 2.) Edit feedlist.php and fill out the values in the CONFIGURATION section. 3.) Enable the feedList plugin in the "Plugins" section of your WordPress administration panel. 4.) OPTIONAL BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - Replace the class-snoopy.php file in your wp-includes directory with the one provided in this distribution. The standard class-snoopy.php is broken when trying to load pages that are compressed by their server (gzip compression). This file fixes that problem. UPGRADING: 1.) jot down your configuration information in feedList.php 2.) Overwrite your feedlist.php file 3.) Update your feedlist configuration information with that data you wrote down in step 1 4.) enjoy

Upgrade Notice:

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