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Plugin Name

开发者 soundwaves-productions
更新时间 2015年10月27日 18:33
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1


RSS paging fetch_feed RSS fetch feed RSS shortcode RSS fetch feed shortcode feed shortcode pageable feed RSS pageable



This plugin uses the fetch_feed function to display external RSS Feeds on your Wordpress Blog / Site! This plugin supports paging of the feed ! With this plugin you can configure four item elements to be displayed (like author, date, title, description) Paging code found here: Thanks to joostdevalk for his plugin: Features:


  1. Upload the fetch-feed-shortcode-pageable directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Add shortcodes in your posts or pages e.g.:
[FetchFeedPageable feed="" pagesize=5 pagenum=5 linktitle="yes" target="_blank" itemelements="title,date,author,description" ]


How do I include an external RSS Feed to my post or page?

Use shortcode: e.g.: [FetchFeedPageable feed="" pagesize=5 pagenum=5 linktitle="yes" target="_blank" itemelements="title,date,author,description" ]

Can I set number of items per page?

Yes! just set the pagesize parameter of the shortcode e.g.: [FetchFeedPageable feed="" pagesize=5 pagenum=5 linktitle="yes" target="_blank" itemelements="title,date,author,description" ]

Can I set number of pages displayed in the paging footer?

Yes! just set the pagenum parameter of the shortcode e.g.: [FetchFeedPageable feed="" pagesize=5 pagenum=5 linktitle="yes" target="_blank" itemelements="title,date,author,description" ]

Can I limit the total feed items?

Yes! set the showall parameter to no and the num parameter to a desired number e.g.: [FetchFeedPageable feed="" pagesize=5 num=5 showall=no itemelements="title,date,author,description" ]

Can I configure the elements I wish to display ?

Yes! set the itemelements parameter of the shortcode Four values are available: title,date,author,description e.g.: [FetchFeedPageable feed="" pagesize=5 pagenum=5 linktitle="yes" target="_blank" itemelements="title,description" ]

Can I style the output with CSS?

Yes! just have a look at the included css file: fetch-feed-shortcode-pageable/css/style.css


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