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Fight for the Future Alerts

开发者 Ipstenu
更新时间 2018年5月10日 02:53
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


activism cat signal eff fight for the future


1.0.1 1.1.1 1.2.1 1.3.0 1.3.1


This plugin shows alerts from Fight for the Future on your WordPress site. You can show a modal windows for a specific day of action, or an event (some on ongoing). I do not support issues with the modals themselves! If the javascript is loaded on your page, regardless of how wonky it looks, then the plugin works. If the boxes look black or cause weird errors, you'll have to take it up with Fight for the Future directly. If you just want to use the Cat Signal, I recommend the Cat Signal plugin.


After installation:
  1. Go to Tools -> FFTF
  2. Select which battles you wish to wage


Are you the official plugin?

No, this is something I made for myself.

The Cat Signal isn't an event. How does that work?

The Cat Signal, by the Internet Defense League, automatically triggers whatever current issue is running. It's there for people who just want to run this all the time.

If I pick Cat Signal, why can't I pick anything else?

Because that would cause you to load scripts multiple times. If you pick Cat Signal, it de-selects everything else and only lets you use that.

I picked the Cat Signal but it's not showing my event.

Sometimes their servers get overloaded. When that happens, pick the specific event you're targeting instead of the Cat Signal to force it.

Can I test it?

Some, yes.

  • Blackout Congress - Enable WP_DEBUG on your site to show the modal to everyone
  • Battle for the Net - Add #ALWAYS_SHOW_BFTN_WIDGET to the end of your URL to see the modal

Will you add more fights?

I plan to.

Will this work on all websites?

Probably not. If you have a ton of javascript, it may have issues.

Why is the javascript is doing weird things?

I can't help people debug why the javascript isn't working properly. If you view your page source and the code is there, then my job is done and you'll need to talk directly to Fight for the Future. Go to the linked page for the fight. They have 'more information' links on those pages and you can file an issue. Sorry, but I have to spend my time fighting with my congresscritter. He's really annoying.


1.3.0 1.2.1 1.2.0