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更新时间 2011年2月17日 00:25
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flash widget Post posts plugin page embed photo photos wordpress image gallery lightbox javascript media slideshow menu admin images widgets ads book portfolio media library iphone ipod menus carousel buttons rotate cms picture pictures effects nextgen presentation MU swf album photo-albums carousel gallery flip flipping page flip flash gallery flash portfolio flash menu flash caltalogue flash header flash banner flash products carousel photos free flash smooth gallery





  1. Upload `flash-rotator-gallery` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. (You can install using wordpress administration too)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in your wordpress administration.
  3. Create and configure a new item of flash rotator in your Wordpress admin. A new button is created in your wordpress admin: FLASH ROTATOR(see admin params to configure it)
  4. To add a new item of Flash Rotator you only have to write [`flash_rotator_gallery` ID] in your post or pages, where ID is the gallery ID. (you can add several items in your wordpress)
  5. Admin params:
    1. Gallery Name: Identify your Flash Rotator item with a name
    2. Images Folder: Select your images folder. For Example /images/ ( very important don't forget last / )
    3. Zoom: Number between 1 to 5 to choose the zoom of your Flash Rotator
    4. Speed: Speed of pictures in carousel. Value between 0.1 to 1.
    5. Vertical movement: If you active this option, when you roll over, the camera is moved up the carousel.
    6. Images Link: If you want to see images real size in new window, you must active this option.
    7. Flash Width: Width of swf object (flash width). This value can be in pixels or %, for example 400 px or 100%.
    8. Flash Height: Height of flash gallery. This value can be only in px.
    9. Images Links: If you have activated images link option, you have to add a list with your links ( external sites, documents, photos...). Each one separated by ENTER
    10. Images titles: Titles to your images in carousel. Each one separated by ENTER.
    11. Link Target: Target of your images link (_blanch, _self, ...)
== Frequently Asked Questions == What parameters should I set up to look good to me the carousel? Once installed and activated, default plugin have to work correctly. First of all you can add images folder to view what is the result of your plugin. After that, you can configure params how you want. These parameters are often required to configure because the carousel is different depending on the images that you upload. == Screenshots == 1. Sample. 2. Configuration. == Changelog == 1.0