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Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce - Ecommerce Wishlist & Save for later

开发者 wpdesk
更新时间 2025年2月7日 10:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


wishlist ecommerce wishlist woocommerce wishlist wishlist for woocommerce product wishlist


1.1.4 1.2.15 1.2.21 1.2.22 1.2.23 1.1.1 1.0.2 1.2.17 1.2.10 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.1.0 1.2.20 1.2.24 1.0.3 1.2.7 1.1.3 1.2.12 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.2 1.2.13 1.2.14 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.9 1.2.8 1.2.18 1.2.19 1.2.16 1.2.27 1.2.6 1.2.26 1.2.28


WooCommerce wishlist provides customers and guests with the possibility to save product favourites they want to keep a close eye on or simply buy later. Can you create a WooCommerce online shop without having a WooCommerce wishlist? Sure - but you can forget about increasing your sales and winning customer loyalty. [youtube] The Flexible Wishlist plugin for WooCommerce - a quick checklist Why do you need a WooCommerce shop wishlist in your ecommerce shop? Why do your customers need you to have an ecommerce wishlist? Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce has all that and more. It is simple to use and totally customizable up to suit your needs. Build your WP ecommerce wishlist from scratch. It's 100% flexible! Features We provide you with a fully customizable shop best wishlist - it is you who creates the e-commerce wishlist from scratch. Not your cup of tea? We've got it covered - you can choose an already configured wishlist. Nevertheless, we want to tell you what you can get by downloading the Flexible Wishlist: Demo & documentation Try the plugin (free & PRO) in your free demo and check out the documentation. Flexible Wishlist PRO - Analytics & Emails PRO FEATURES We know that the free version of our plugin is incredibly complete and basically offers everything the most demanding user could need. Nevertheless, when we created the pro version, we made the assumption that we wanted to give you something more than the standard pro version of a WooCommerce Wishlist. The result is a powerful marketing tool that will allow you to: IDENTIFY MOST FREQUENTLY ADDED PRODUCTS TRACK WISHLIST CONTENT CREATE PROMOTIONAL EMAILS GET THE PRO VERSION HERE >> When do I need PRO features? The free version of the plugin is great when you want to let customers create product wishlists in your WooCommerce. You may also use the PRO version of the plugin to boost your sales with analytics and email marketing tools!


You can install this plugin like any other WordPress plugin.
  1. Download and unzip the latest release zip file.
  2. Upload the entire plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress Administration.
You can also use WordPress uploader to upload plugin zip file in menu Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin. Then go directly to point 3.


  • Add to the wishlist on the WooCommerce product page
  • Choosing the WooCommerce product wishlist or creating a new one
  • WooCommerce product wishlists
  • Manage products in a wishlist with an option to buy products
  • My wishlists in the menu
  • Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce - Basic settings
  • Text settings for wishlists and translations
  • Share the WooCommerce wishlist on social media
  • Restore default settings
  • Send promotional emails based on WooCommerce wishlists (PRO)
  • Create multiple and customized promotions based on wishlists and filters (PRO)
  • Promotion target filters based on wishlists, products, tags, or categories (PRO)
  • Manage WooCommerce product wishlist, track customer needs, and send emails individually or in bulk (PRO)
  • Track all product wishlists (PRO)
  • Get statistics about popular products, best-selling categories, and tags in customer wishlists
  • Check favorite product categories (PRO)
  • See the frequently bought products by tags (PRO)


How can I enable product wishlists in WooCommerce?

After installation of Flexible Wishlist, activate the plugin, and your customers will be able to create WooCommerce wishlists with products.

What are the features of this wishlist plugin for WooCommerce?

The Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin gives you:

  • Unlimited number of wishlists
  • Unlimited number of products in the wishlists
  • Adding products to wishlists with just 1 click
  • "Add to wishlist" icon customization
  • A lot of WooCommerce wishlist settings (icons, text, translation)
  • A way to add products to a wishlist from the shop page and by using a popup window
  • The price range of added products
  • Wishlist social sharing button
  • Wishlists for all users or only registered users
  • A way for customers to save product ideas for later
  • The Add to Cart button in the wishlist
  • A tool to know your customers and WooCommerce products frequently bought together
  • A way to recommend best-selling and better product matches in WooCommerce
  • Possible higher incomes thanks to data analysis of customer wishlists

How can I use wishlists for better product management and WooCommerce marketing?

Yes. You may use Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce to learn about customer preferences and the best products. Thanks to this knowledge you can adjust the product prices, stock, or change the products you sell in WooCommerce. What's more, you will know about best-selling products and customer favorites so you'll be able to use this information during email marketing campaigns. Flexible Wishlist PRO gives you advanced analytic tools and lets you send promotional emails!

Can I use the plugin to see the best-selling products in WooCommerce?

Yes. You may use the plugin to learn about the best and most frequently bought together products. If you need to filter the wishlists and send promotional emails, upgrade to PRO →

Is it possible to create unlimited product wishlists in WooCommerce?

Yes. Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce is a plugin with no limitations on the number of created wishlists.

How can I see the customer favorites and WooCommerce products frequently bought together?

You can view and analyze customer wishlists with Flexible Wishlist PRO →

How to recommend WooCommerce products with the plugin?

Customers can share their product wishlist right from your WooCommerce. Their wishlist will also help them come back to your store. With Flexible Wishlist PRO, you can send promotional emails (in bulk or individually) to wishlist users. Thanks to the analysis of all customer wishlists you will learn about best-selling products. Emails will help you recommend the best products (based on the wishlist data) when sending promo emails.

Can I send custom promotional emails to customers based on specific WooCommerce wishlist criteria?

Yes. First, you may filter all product wishlists with Flexible Wishlist PRO. Then use the PRO email marketing feature to create and send custom promotional emails. Of course, you can prepare multiple email campaigns!

Where I can find the plugin docs?

The docs are located here: Flexible Wishlist Docs

Does the Wishlist for WooCommerce - Ecommerce Wishlists & Save for later plugin have multilingual support?

Yes, it does. Translating texts into another language requires the use of a plugin, which supports string translation. You can choose for example Loco Translate or Polylang.

Does the plugin require configuration?

No, it does not. Activating our product wishlist plugin requires no configuration, and it works immediately. You only need to install and activate it and it's ready to be used.

Does your WooCommerce wishlist support products with variants?

Yes. Our product Woo wishlist allows users to add specific product variations like color or size, for instance.

Is this product wishlist an alternative for any other available in the repository wishlist for WooCommerce?

Yes. Flexible Wishlist is a valid alternative for other wish lists, like for example YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, TI WooCommerce Wishlist, WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce, Wishsuite - Wishlist for WooCommerce, JVM WooCommerce Wishlist and many more.

Is this ecommerce wishlist suitable for creating gift wishlists for special events?

Yes. Flexible Wishlist for WooCommerce is a great choice if you want to create a Christmas wish list, wishlist birthday, Santa wish list, black friday wishlist or wishlist wedding. Just try it and you will love it!

Do you have more free plugins for WooCommerce?

Yes. Check out our free WooCommerce plugins → You can also choose one from the list below based on your needs.

  • Flexible Invoices - free PDF invoices for WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • Custom Price - let customers name the WooCommerce product price. You can use this plugin to receive donations or sell products with customer-set prices.
  • Flexible Checkout Fields - add custom fields to the WooCommerce checkout page. Customize checkout fields for flexible, faster, and user-friendly shopping.
  • Flexible PDF Coupons - sell WooCommerce pdf gift cards, vouchers, and tickets for free with unlimited gift card templates.
  • Flexible Product Fields - add custom fields for products and customize the WooCommerce product page faster!
  • Dropshipping XML - Import Products - import products from any CSV or XML file into WooCommerce. Update products easier, bulk upload products, and use when you want to sell WooCommerce products in dropshipping.
  • Flexible Quantity - add new units of measure and sell your WooCommerce products with flexible custom unit calculations.
  • Flexible Refund - let customers send refund requests in WooCommerce and manage all refunds faster!
  • ShopMagic - a free email marketing plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce (with 5 free add-ons)!


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