FlexiZoom - Add a nice zoom effect and slider effect to product pictures in WooCommerce on product page
if you want to enrich the image displaying on product page to offer a better UX for your customers, FlexiZoom is the plugin you need.
FlexiZoom is a robust, modern and very configurable image zooming plugin for WooCommerce product pictures.
It allows you to easily create a magnifying zooming effects on your images, all from WP admin interface.
- More than 50 different options to customize almost everything without touching a single line of code.
- No jQuery dependency.
- Works on all modern browsers.
- Zoom on hover, lightbox on onclick.
- Fully responsive and provide touch-support for mobile devices.
- Variation images support, swap image(s) upon changing the variations.
- Users are able to change the zoom-level on the fly.
- Slider to for additional pictures.
- Coded using modern vanilla ES6+ JavaScript and SCSS.
- JS file is just 30kb when gzipped.
- Brought to you by Flexible Web Design, who have been developing with love since 2009.
Coming Soon
- Screenshots and video tutorials
- Live demo pages for both lite and pro versions
- Purchase page for pro version
The format is based on
Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to
Semantic Versioning.
[1.0.1] - 2021-03-12
- The add_action template override problem due to wc_get_template() usage, has been fixed
[1.0.0] - 2021-01-12