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Floating Social Media Links

开发者 celloexpressions
更新时间 2024年4月17日 07:20
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.6
版权: GPL2


links menu social facebook social media icons twitter youtube easy simple dynamic clean sticky floating floating links floating frame


1.0.0 1.3.3 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4.0 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5.0 1.5.1 1.5.2


Floating (Social Media) Links is designed to allow anyone to add a simple floating frame to their wordpress website/blog, which contains icons and links to their social media and/or partners' websites. And before you read too far you should know that I'm among those who strongly dislike "floating" animations, so this plugin does a clean simple "stay-in-place" (sticky) float with no animation for an incredibly clean look. The plugin is extremely flexible because of its custom links. In addition to a couple of built-in social media links, you can upload your own icons/logos that link to anything. You could create a small, persistent navigation bar, link to partner sites, link to sites for other parts of your organization, link to any of your social media, or any combination of the above. On the social media side, the purposes of this plugin are highly customizable options and clean and simple linked icons rather than the cluitter of numerous "share" buttons (although popular "action buttons" can still be included). Instead of simply asking visitors to acknowledge their appreciation of your work (by liking or following), this encourages them to also check out your social media content, increasing real social interaction (more so than simply using page "likes" to indicate interaction). Also, as native OS/browser support for "share" features becomes the norm, it is redundant to clutter your site with buttons that share content. This plugin features a refreshingly user-oriented interface for the admin that scales to users with varying desire for customization. If you want a quick set-up, you can focus on the most commonly used options and pick a frame theme that works with your site. If you like customizing stuff, you can configure the detailed components of everything from cookies to colors to z-indicies. The plugin followsa principles that prevent you from reading through irrelevant options (like frame-hide animation if you've chosen not to let users hide the frame), and hides less frequently used options by default. Easy to use for ANYONE! For web designers and developers, you may customize which pages the frame appears on with your theme templates, and you can use custom, dynamic php-generated links (see the FAQ for details). Please feel free to offer any feature suggestions you might have (through the support forums or by contacting me) and I WILL consider them for future releases. Any and all feedback/suggestions, positive or negative, is useful!


  1. Take the easy route and install through the wordpress plugin adder :) OR
  2. Download the .zip file and upload the unzipped folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. 通过 WordPress 的“插件”菜单激活插件
  4. Ensure that the <?php wp_head(); ?> and <?php wp_footer(); ?> action hooks are in your theme's header.php and footer.php files templates
  5. Enter your links, choose appearance settings, and set the first general option to "On Every Page" to activate the frame on your site (or place the custom code in your templates)


  • The Admin Settings Page, on the new Design tab, showing the theme-choosing interface with the various default themes.
  • The Admin Settings Page, on the new Design tab, showing the theme-choosing interface with the various default themes.
  • The Admin Settings Page, on the new Design tab, showing the theme-choosing interface with the various default themes.
  • The Admin Settings Page, on the new Design tab, showing the theme-choosing interface with the various default themes.
  • The Admin Settings Page, on the new Design tab, showing the theme-choosing interface with the various default themes.


  • Bugfixes for WordPress 3.6, icon updates minor enhancements and tweaks.
1.5.1 Minor housekeeping update addressing code cleanup and html validation; adding custom css field. WordPress 3.5 is required as of version 1.5.0.


I'm seeing a red JavaScript loading error on the settings page and can't access all of the settings!

Make sure you're running WordPress 3.5 or later. This is now required. Next, make sure your browser has JavaScript enabled (it should). If it still isn't working, another plugin is probably outputing bad code onto my settings page. Try systematically disabling your plugins until the violator is found.

The frame doesn't show up on my site!

First, make sure that the first general option is set to show the frame on every page, or that you have placed the necessary code in the correct template files if you are showing it on customized pages. Then make sure that your browser window is larger than the value for minimum size to display the frame, and try changing that value (make it smaller). Then, check your theme's header.php and footer.php files for the necessary action hooks (more instructions on the general options settings page). Check your vertical position setting AND UNITS in the appearance settings tab (15px is much different from 15in) - it's possible that your frame is too far down the page to see. If the problems persist, try using a bigger number for the custom layering/z-index (in appearance). If all else fails, try the support forums and someone with html knowledge should be able to find the problem.

Transparent Frame / Icons Only

You can make the frame transparent by selecting custom theme, a custom colorscheme, and typing "transparent" in the color code field for background color.

Pintrest, Linkedin, Google+, ...

Native support for a wider array of social media sites is coming, but in the meantime, you can include links to them with fsml custom links. You can upload your own icons, or use those already packaged with the plugin for Pintrest, Linkedin, and Google+. The image urls are similar to those for the facebook, twitter, and youtube icons, in the plugin's img folder.

How do I use the display on custom pages option?

To use the option to display the frame on customized pages, instead of on every page on your site, you need to be comfortable with editing you're theme's template files (html/php). If you are, siply copy this code: <?php floating_social_media_links() ?> and paste it into each template file that is used for the pages that you want (for example, index.php for the main blog page, page.php for the default page template, search.php for the search results page, archives.php for archive pages, etc.). See wordpress' documentation on theme files. Once you find the template files that correspond to the pages you want the frame to appear on, paste the code into the file immediately before the line that says <?php get_footer() ?>. To include dynamic php-generated links, call the floating_social_media_links() function with up to three parameters. Each parameter will override the custom link 1-3 url options, although you still need to set the icon image, link title, and click the show link checkbox in the settings page. If you only want one dynamic link but want it after two other custom links, you can call <?php floating_social_media_links(null,null,$dynamic_variable); ?>. The parameters will only replace the links if they are (identified by php as) strings. To debug, use the php function is_string().

Where's the settings page?

It's under settings: Settings -> Floating Social Media Links. And on a side note, the tabs on the settings page are showing different parts of the same page, not refreshing the browser, so you can switch between tabs without needing to save.

What about other social media sites?

I realize that there are countless other social media sites which aren't included in this plugin. In order to avoid an extensively bloated plugin and settings page, I have only included the three most popular sites (Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube - in the US). But... one of the reasons I've included space for up to 7 custom links is so that you may include links to any additional social media sites that you wish to. Additional social media icons are now bundled with the plugin (these all have a unified, flattened design and are both Hi-DPI and highly compressed), and you can link to them in the settings page, or you can find and upload your own icons. Then, enter the entire url (including, for example,, and it functions just like any of the built-in links. You can also include action buttons for other sites, as long as they have url-based options (enter the share url as a custom link, then create a share icon and use them in tandem).

How can I add more custom links?

Currently, up to seven custom links may be used at a time. I am preparing a massive internal restructuring of this plugin which will remove a variety of current limitations, including allowing infinite links of any time, including built-in support for many more social media sites and additional action buttons.

Why default to customized pages showing the links?

This allows users to enter their links before the frame is actually show on your site. This option replaces an old option to activate the frame output; which would be redundant as this option does essentially the same thing. I try to minimize the number of useless options so that I can maximize the useful ones without bloating the plugin and making it take more than a couple minutes to set up.

My settings for a custom link disappeared when I said to hide it. Can I get them back or do I need to start over?

Any custom links that are hidden from your site will also be hidden from your settings page, by default. All of your settings, however, are saved. Simply click "Add Another Custom Link" and your previous settings will be pre-populated in the form. Note: If you have custom url 2 set, but not custom url 1 (for example), the options for custom url 2 will be hidden and url 1 shown on the options page (not on your site). Please use the custom urls sequentially to avoid this scenario. Eventually, I will introduce the ability to reorder the links, but this is at least 6-10 months out.

How can I include a facebook like / twitter follow / youtube subscribe button in the frame?

Simply go to the "action buttons" tab on the settings page and check the boxes for the buttons that you would like to show. Facebook like buttons do have the potential to increase your page load time though. This is an issue with the facebook SDK, not this plugin, and is present regardless of whether you include the facebook like button with this plugin or elsewhere.

Where are the custom color scheme settings?

Once you click on the "custom" color scheme option, all of the associated settings will appear. In general, options that are dependent on other options are hidden when they aren't available so that you don't need to read and scroll past them (creating a very convinient, user-friendly interface!).


1.5.2 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.3 Special Notice for Version 1.4.2 1.4.2 1.4.1 1.4.0 1.3.5 1.3.4 1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3.0 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.0.1 1.0.0