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Flusso AI: ChatGPT Content Generator, AI Tools for WordPress

开发者 emanadesign
更新时间 2023年8月21日 22:06
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.3
版权: GPLv2 or later


artificial intelligence chatbot AI ai content whisper openai dall-e ChatGPT gpt-4


0.9.2 0.5 0.9 0.9.5 0.9.6 0.8 0.6 0.7.11 0.5.1 0.7 0.7.1 0.9.1 0.9.3 0.9.4


Flusso AI will let you create images and manipulate text content using Artificial Intelligence. You can add your OpenAI Secret Key to generate blog posts, images, WooCommerce product descriptions, and more. It uses various models, like Chat GPT-4, GPT 3.5-TURBO, DALL-E, Whisper, and more. Flusso AI features include: Post Creator with ChatGPT WordPress content Image generation WooCommerce Products Speech to Text A complete documentation for the plugin can be found here. We are always working on updates and improvements for Flusso AI, so don't be shy: tell us about your experience with the plugin, and your ideas to make it better. The power of AI Our goal with Flusso AI is to make life easier for WordPress users. The advent of Artificial Intelligence, especially with the contributions of OpenAI and its ChatGPT and the models it uses, is significantly revolutionizing the world of development and website creation. And we don't want to miss it. For this reason, we are excited to work on this project and eager to hear your opinions and expectations. Give us ideas, tell us what you would like to be able to do better or faster, and we will work on it - we can't wait to work on it. But please, don't forget: Artificial Intelligence cannot replace human writing. Remember to use these tools as a support, and to always check sources and informations about the data you're getting.


Automatic installation Let WordPress do the work. If you already have the plugin file, upload Flusso AI plugin to your blog and activate it. If you don't have it, log in to your WordPress Dashboard, go to Plugins, select "Add New" and type "Flusso AI" in the search box. Manual installation In order to manually install the plugin, you have first to download it from this page, and then upload it using a FTP client (like FileZilla or Cyberduck). Manual installation method requires downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. Here you can find a detailed explanation on how to do it. Setting a Secret Key In order to use the plugin's functions, you first have to generate an OpenAI key on and save it in the Settings page of the plugin.


  • The Post Creation panel.
  • The Key Points generation panel.
  • The WooCommerce Product Description Generator panel.
  • The Speech-To-Text Panel.
  • Gutenberg tools.


What's an OpenAI Secret Key and why do I need that?

Flusso AI relies on OpenAI API to make its magic happen. You need to have an account on the OpenAI platform and create an OpenAI Secret Key. Then, you can save it in your plugin's Settings page and start creating.

How much will I pay for using AI?

That's entirely up to the AI platform you're using. When using OpenAI you can track your activity here.

I can't generate any content with the plugin. Why?

There are several reasons this can happen, the most common being related to your usage quota for the current month. You can check it here, and set your usage limits here.

What's the "Error 504" I get when trying to generate content?

That means the request has reached a timeout, and the server is unable to give a correct response. Try contacting your hosting provider and ask them to increase the PHP time limit. If it's enabled, you can also try disabling GPT-4 from the Settings page.

I enabled GPT-4 but it doesn't work, why?

The GPT-4 model is currently in beta. If you can't use it, it's possible you are not yet approved. You can join the waitlist from here.

I found a bug: what do I do?

You can write a topic in the support forum, or you can directly email us at flusso[at]emana[dot]design. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Is it possible to request a feature?

Sure thing, tell us everything: flusso[at]emana[dot]design


0.9.5 2023-06-28 0.9.4 2023-06-22 0.9.3 2023-06-20 0.9.1 2023-06-19 0.9 2023-06-16 0.8 2023-05-08 0.7.1 2023-05-04 0.7 2023-05-02 0.6 2023-04-27 0.5.1 2023-04-21 0.5 2023-04-21