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开发者 vhbelvadi
更新时间 2017年4月30日 17:18
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
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post academic footnotes writing editing endnotes essay


1.1 1.2


Based on the now unsupported fd-footnotes plugin, Footnotation provides an easy way to add footnotes to your posts. The syntax is retained from fd-footnotes which means it is natural, simple to understand, and degrades gracefully even if the plugin is removed. Bidirectional links are created automatically between a footnote and its position in the main content where the footnote was referenced from so that readers can refer to a footnote and return to their place in the text they were reading, with ease. To make a footnote, type it inline within arbitrarily numbered square brackets: [7. Example footnote.] The syntax is important. Each pair of square brackets must contain a number followed by a full stop and a space and then have the footnote text itself. Neither do the numbers have to be in order nor do they have to be unique. All footnotes will be re-numbered automatically. Settings Show footnotes only on single posts or pages: This option hides the list of footnotes on the main blog page but retains their numbers which will link to the individual post/page URL directly. Collapse footnotes until they are clicked on: This option hides footnotes initially, expanding them only when a footnote reference is clicked on. Match footnote marker colour to surrounding text: This option makes sure the footnote reference marker matches the body text (academic style). The default option is to have the footnote marker match the website’s default link colour (web style). NB Anything from links to formatting to images may be included inside a footnote, except square brackets. NB Multiple footnotes with the same text and number will leave you with incorrect footnotes. Make sure either that all footnotes have different content or, two or more footnotes with the same content all have different numbers.


  1. Copy the footnotation directory into wp-content/plugins or upload via the 'Add new' plugins option.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • Include footnotes with ease while writing. (The number after the square bracket can be arbitrary.)
  • Footnote marker on the frontend. (You are offered two display styles to choose from.)
  • Footnotes displayed elegantly below the article.


1.2 Maintenance update. 1.1 Introducing new plugin options and assets. 1.0 First release. Thanks for downloading, and thanks to John Watson for the original fd-footnotes plugin.


1.2 1.1 1.0