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Fortune Cookies

开发者 zeus
更新时间 2009年1月6日 11:57
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.7


widget sidebar quotes random quotes fortune cookies fortunes sayings



Gets you a random fortune cookie quote in your Wordpress sidebar from the database of over 12,000 fortunes (based on the Unix Fortune program). You need to register and get an appid from


  1. Uncompress the downloaded .zip file and upload the fortunecookies directory to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Get an 'appid' by registering at (The appid will be emailed to you)
  4. Add the Fortune Cookies plugin to your 'Sidebar' from the Wordpress Widgets (admin) Page
  5. Once added, click on Fortunecookies (Edit), enter the Appid and Save the changes


Why do I need an appid?

'appid' helps serve you the apt fortune. It also helps to track usage and reduce abuse and spam.

Where are the quotes stored ?

The quotes are retrieved randomly from the web service hosted at

Is it possible to retrieve quotes on some specific category ?

Though the fortunes (quotes) are categorized, currently theres no option to retrieve based on category.