该插件是一种欺诈检测解决方案,可防止支付欺诈,从而最大限度地减少 EasyDigitalDownloads 平台中的欺诈损失或退款。它对每个订单中的每个可用元素进行全面检查,例如 IP 地理定位分析器、代理检查器、电子邮件地址、黑名单记录、信用卡信息、交易速度等等,以准确揭示欺诈订单。您可以免费使用此欺诈检测解决方案。
Sign up for a Free fraud protection plan now at
https://www.fraudlabspro.com/sign-up and start protecting your EasyDigitalDownloads store from payment fraud.
此插件支援 Easy Digital Downloads 版本 2 和 3。
为什么选择 FraudLabs Pro Fraud Protection?
我们为您提供一个灵活的欺诈预防解决方案来识别欺诈订单。您可以使用我们的 FraudLabs Pro 评分来识别和确定欺诈订单,或自定义您自己的验证规则以针对特定案例,或两者结合。您将看到一个您可以选择的操作列表,欺诈分数将帮助您做出是接受还是拒绝它的重要决定。
To get started, you can easily sign up a FraudLabs Pro Micro plan license key which is available to everyone - completely FREE! Yes, we are not offering you a trial version, but a free version to start protecting your online business. It’s absolutely free for 500 validation per month or sales less than 25K USD per month. There is no upfront credit card information or commitment required. No hidden cost whatsoever!
此设置简单且只需几分钟以激活设置。您只需安装免费的 FraudLabs Pro 插件,输入 API 密钥并配置设置即可。
We have been in the fraud prevention industry for more than 10 years. Thousands of our clients are currently using our FraudLabs Pro Anti-Fraud solution. This Easy Digital Downloads plugin is one of 20 ready-made plugins for major e-commerce shopping cart platforms. Please check out our website
https://www.fraudlabspro.com for more details.
以下是 Easy Digital Downloads 的 FraudLabs Pro Fraud Detection 插件的主要功能:
- 自定义您自己的验证规则。那里有有超过 50 条规则供您选择。
- 将高风险订单搁置以供您手动审查和批准。
- 如果订单被标记为拒绝,则自动取消订单。
- 当一个订单被取消或等候您的审查时,通过电子邮件/应用程式/Slack 收到通知。
- Support SMS verification to automate the customers' phone number authentication.
- 各种欺诈洞察报告供您分析。
For articles and tutorials about this anti-fraud plugin, please visit