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FraudLabs Pro for WP e-Commerce

开发者 fraudlabspro
更新时间 2024年7月31日 13:21
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6


ecommerce wpec wpsc fraud fraud prevention fraud detection wp-e-commerce


1.5.0 1.2.2 1.3.0 1.2.4 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6.0 1.7.0 1.2.3 1.2.7 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.4.0


FraudLabs Pro 是 WP e-Commerce 的防欺诈插件,可帮助商家防止或消除退款。它通过筛选所有订单交易的欺诈模式来保护他们的在线商店免受恶意欺诈者的侵害。 FraudLabs Pro 验证引擎包含了三个关键部分,名为元素验证,黑名单验证和机器学习。这些先进的算法引擎将对订单中的每个可用元素进行全面检查,例如地理定位、代理检测、电子邮件、黑名单数据分析、信用卡、交易速度等,以准确发现欺诈订单。然后,将使用我们的全球商户网络提供的黑名单数据进行实时分析,以评估与订单相关的欺诈风险。 凭借庞大的欺诈数据池和机器学习技术,FraudLabs Pro 将进一步改进欺诈预测和检测,帮助其他商户减少欺诈订单。此插件在不中断支付过程的情况下在后台运行,它提供所有订单的详细报告供商家参考,他们可以在其中轻松评估欺诈风险或自动执行审核流程。 为什么选择 FraudLabs Pro? 灵活性 我们提供您一个灵活的解决方案以辨别一个诈骗订单。您可以使用我们的 FraudLabs Pro 分数来确定欺诈订单或自定义您自己的验证规则以针对特定案例,或两者结合。 免费 We are not offering you a trial version, but a free version to start protecting your online business. It’s absolutely free for 500 validation per month or sales less than 25K USD per month. There is no upfront credit card information needed, commitment, hidden cost and whatsoever! 容易设置 此设置简单且只需几分钟。您只需安装免费的 FraudLabs Pro Fraud Detection 插件,输入 API 密钥并配置设置即可。 值得信赖 We have been in the fraud prevention industry for more than 10 years. Thousands of our clients are currently using our FraudLabs Pro solution. This WP e-Commerce add-on is one of 21 ready plugins for major shopping cart platforms. Please check out our website for details. 免费 Micro 套餐 Looking for a free yet comprehensive fraud prevention solution? Look no more, we offer you one right here. With our free Micro plan, you can start protecting your online business from malicious fraudsters. We provide you with 500 free validation queries that auto-reset every month and is more than sufficient for small & medium business. 主要特征 以下是 FraudLabs Pro WP e-Commerce add-on 的关键功能: 更多的信息 Sign up for a Free fraud protection license key at and start protecting your business from online fraud.


Manual Installation (Use this method only if you are unable to install the plugin via the admin area)
  1. Download the plugin zip file.
  2. Unzip and upload the fraudlabs-pro-for-wp-e-commerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. 通过 WordPress 的“插件”菜单激活插件。
  4. Enter the License Key at the 'Settings' section. You can sign up for a free API key at
How to enable the FraudLabs Pro feature
  1. Click on the FraudLabs Pro menu page.
  2. Check the Enabled check box to enable it.
  3. Enter your FraudLabs Pro API Key. You can sign up for a free API key at
  4. Click on the Save Settings button. For more information, please visit
