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Free Puzzles Widget and Shortcode

开发者 rebuses
更新时间 2014年10月11日 17:22
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


free fun games puzzle puzzles rebuses free puzzles brain teasers free puzzle puzzle shortcode puzzle widget free puzzle shortcode free puzzle widget puzzles widget free puzzles shortcode free puzzles widget




Keep your website visitors on your site longer with free Rebus puzzles. This plugin allows you to show puzzles in your posts, pages and widget areas. All puzzles are rated G which is suitable for all. Puzzles are requested from automatically or you can define a specific puzzle number to show. How it works: You visitor views a page with the plugin puzzle on, the plugin then requests from a puzzle thumbnail, a link (URL) to that puzzle for a clue and answer and finally a page title for the image alt attribute. What is shown on your webpage? A title, which you define in the widgets area. The Rebus puzzle, a link to the help solve the puzzle ( and a link to the puzzle itself on for a clue and answer to that puzzle. How to use: Use the widget section to place the puzzles on your site or enter shortcode [puzzle] for random puzzles or [puzzle id="100"] (replacing 100 with another puzzle number) for specific numbered puzzles on your posts and pages. Extra Information: This plugin DOES link back to in order to give help on solving, clues and answers. All links open in a new window.


  1. Upload the wp-puzzle-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Use the widget or enter shortcode [puzzle] for random puzzles or [puzzle id="100"] (replacing 100 with another puzzle number) for specific numbered puzzles on your posts and pages.
NOTE: If the number you entered is higher then the current available puzzle number on, a warning message will show on the frontend of the website, just enter a lower number.


  • Rebus Puzzle Widget Area.
  • Random Rebus Puzzle Shortcode.
  • Static Rebus Puzzle Shortcode.
  • Frontend Rebus Puzzle On Website.


1.0 None. 1.1 Fixed Undefined Variable Issue.


What audience rating are the puzzles?

All puzzles are rated G which is suitable for all.

Will there be links to ?

The plugin links back to a help page ( and the puzzle page itself for a clue and answer.

Will the puzzles be installed on my site?

Nope, all puzzles are requested from and will never be installed on your website. This is a free service offered by

How many puzzles are there?

Over 300 and new ones added daily.

Do I have to pay?

Nope this service is free and always will be.

Is there any copyright infringement?

No, I (David Beach) make every puzzle myself and allow the use of this plugin to request puzzles from

I get a Warning: file_get_contents showing.

You have entered a specific number thats higher then what is currently available on, just enter a lower number.


1.0 1.1