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Plugin Name

开发者 iamfriendly
更新时间 2015年4月21日 07:13
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


widget responsive shortcode sliders responsiveslides


0.1 0.1.1


@viljamis made an amazing jQuery slideshow plugin called ResponsiveSlides. you can find it at From a responsive-web-design point of view it's a fantastic, light-weight, easy-to-implement image slider (well, it's a fader not technically a slider) that "just works". I've turned up and just WordPress-ified it a bit. In future versions the shortcode will enable you to use the gallery shortcode


  1. Upload the plugin to your plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Enjoy!


How do I use the shortcode?

The shortcode is [ responsiveslides ] and it has quite a few parameters (the same one as the jQuery plugin.). You will need to have already uploaded your images (into your media library for example) and you'll need to know the URL of those images (this will change in the future, I promise). So, as an example: [ responsiveslides image_1="" image_2="" auto="true" pager="true" / ] (without the spaces) You can have up to 10 images at the moment. The other params the shortcdoe takes (and their defaults) are: 'auto' => 'false', 'speed' => '700', 'timeout' => '4000', 'pager' => 'false', 'nav' => 'true', 'random' => 'false', 'pause' => 'false', 'prevText' => 'Previous', 'nextText' => 'Next', 'maxwidth' => '', 'namespace' => 'shortcode_rslides'

What about the widget?

Drag the widget into a sidebar and select the posts category you wish to use and the number of images to show. It uses the 'featured image' of your post.


0.1.1 Removed warnings 0.1 First Public Version