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Frontpage category filter

开发者 Cristian Merli
更新时间 2012年5月25日 02:51
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.3.2


post homepage category filter frontpage



This plugin allows you to choose which post categories youe site will show on your frontpage. Just go to settings and deselect the categories that you want to hide. To display posts from other categories on other pages you need to upgrade to the FULL version.


  1. Upload from the plugin panel or unzip the file and upload the folder frontpage-category-filter to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins panel in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings->Frontpage category filter to choose the categories to show/hide from the frontpage If you get errors or it does not work, check the frontpage-category-filter plugin folder permissions. They should be 755. Plugin requires php 5.2


How do i limit the number of posts to show?

Like you did before. Go to Settings->Reading and modify Blog pages show at most


1.0.2 Added free ebooks 1.0.1 Changed support website URL 1.0.0 First stable release