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FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce

开发者 esmiraldoj
更新时间 2023年5月2日 18:11
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


upload file upload attachment drag and drop multi upload filepond



The FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce plugin is based on FilePond Library and designed to add an extra layer of functionality to the WooCommerce checkout process, enabling customers to upload files. This plugin provides an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface for customers to upload any files or documents that may be required during the checkout process. == Features == Drag and drop file upload functionality. File Preview. Multiple file upload support. EXIF Orientation. Ability to limit file types and sizes. Upload progress and error handling. Fully compatible with WooCommerce. & More


To install FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce, follow these steps: Download the plugin from or Wordpress Repository. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress. Configure the plugin settings through the WooCommerce settings page.


There are no upgrade notices at this time.


Where can I find the plugin settings?

The plugin settings can be found in the Settings page, under the 'FilePond' tab and on WooCommerce when you add or edit a product.

Is FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce compatible with other plugins?

FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce is fully compatible with WooCommerce, and has been tested with many popular WooCommerce extensions.

Is FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce compatible with various themes?

FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce is fully compatible with various themes and has been tested through many popular frameworks. If you have any theme related issues please contant us.

Is FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce translated?

FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce is fully translated to Greek & Italian.

Is FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce free?

FusePond - Drag & Drop for WooCommerce is free to use for up to 1 product, if you need more products you can unlock unlimited with 2,99.


1.0.0 Initial release.