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f(x) Builder

开发者 turtlepod
更新时间 2017年8月13日 12:17
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


Page Builder Drag and Drop Beta


1.0.0 1.0.0.alpha 1.0.0.alpha2 1.0.0.alpha3 1.0.0.beta 1.0.1 1.0.2


f(x) Builder is a new page builder plugin that provides visual columns in the post editor without using shortcodes. From the setting page, you can enable it for posts, pages, and custom post types. There is no vendor lock-in. If you decide you no longer wish to use the plugin, you can disable it without losing your content (though you would loose the column formatting). GITHUB You can contribute to development at GitHub Features:
  1. Super simple to use.
  2. Visual columns in the post editor.
  3. If you disable the plugin, you content is not lost.
  4. Settings to enable/disable for each post type.
  5. 1 - 4 columns supported.
  6. Free, Open Source, GPL v2.0 or later license. :) Use it to make something cool.
  7. Support available at Genbu Media.


  1. Navigate to "Plugins > Add New" Page from your Admin.
  2. To install directly from repository, search the plugin name in the search box and click "Install Now" button to install the plugin.
  3. To install from plugin .zip file, click "Upload Plugin" button in "Plugins > Add New" Screen. Browse the plugin .zip file, and click "Install Now" button.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Navigate to "Settings > Page Builder" to configure.
  6. Edit your content.


  • Page Builder Settings
  • The Page Builder in Action
  • Row Settings
  • Edit Content Item
  • Front End Results.
  • Admin Color Scheme.


1.0.0.alpha Might explode.


Notes for developer: GitHub Development of this plugin is hosted at GitHub. Pull request and bug reports are welcome.


1.0.2 - 13 Ags 2017 1.0.1 - 06 Jan 2017 1.0.0 - 09 Dec 2016 1.0.0.beta - 12 Oct 2016 1.0.0.alpha3 - 29 Sep 2016 1.0.0.alpha2 - 23 Sep 2016 1.0.0.alpha - 21 Sep 2016