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Cookieless Backend Server Tracking for Google Analytics - WordPress Plugin

更新时间 2023年3月26日 22:56
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv3


tracking woocommerce analytics google analytics ad blocking conversion tracking ga backend tracking cookieless tracking ITP



Get rid of the cookie banner with this plugin and the correct privacy settings. And gather important insights by seeing ALL users in your tracking, and not only users without blockers. Decide with data you want to sent to google. Depending on your local laws and plugin settings you might not need a cookie banner. Make your Analytics tracking invisible for tracking/ad blockers. BE AWARE This plugin uses server to server tracking. On the one hand it is a big advantage, because nothing is happening in the browser of the user. On the other Hand this means: every page you want to track need to processed by PHP. So if you have a caching plugin or cloudflare caching or similiar it won't work, because you will only track thoses hits which really hit the server. Plugin Features
  1. Cookieless tracking
  2. Hide all user and PII Data from Google -> get rid of cookie banner if your privacy laws allow it.
  3. Compare cookieless tracking vs. backend cookie vs. GA Library Cookie
  4. Enhanced Ecommerce Purchase Tracking intgration with woocommerce
  5. Enhanced Ecommerce checkout steps for Checkout Behaviour Analysis Report
  6. Enhanced Ecommerce purchase actions for Shopping Behaviour Analysis Report
  7. Sent Tracking hit to a custom URL, not to GA or to both.
  8. Opt out link via shortcode.
  9. Obey Do Not Track header.
  10. Use existing opt out cookie.
  11. Anonymizeip
  12. A lot of debugging options
  13. Creates an own client id.
  14. woocoommerce support, but works without woocommerce as well.
Important: Recommendation is not to mix frontend tracking data with data from this plugin. Please create a separate property or view for the tracking data from this plugin. If you mix the data you probably will get duplicate hits. This Plugin uses the google analytics measurement protocol to send server to server tracking requests. The Tracking is not detectable in the frontend, which means it can not be blocked by ad blocker. This Plugin is not affected by newest ITP of Apples Safari or any other tracking/ad blocking technology. It will be only affected if no cookies are allowed to save. Biggest advantage: Don't send any user data to google and tracking not affected by ad blocker. Biggest downside: with backend tracking not all data is available, so e.g. page titles and screen sizes are not available. Use this plugin as addition to your existing frontend tracking, to see the impact of ad blockers or use it as your only tracking solution. Recommendation is, to use it in addition to existing frontend tracking. Cookieless tracking To activate cookieless tracking: General > Client ID Generation > cookieless It uses a very simple fingerprint. It is a hash from Useragent, IP and browser do not track header. Advantage of using such a simple fingerprint is, that it is not blocked by any browser. Disadvantage is that it is only stable as long as the IP adress is not changing. Which it does mostly every 24h. This is still better as having a new user for each page view, which happens if the browsers block tracking cookies. With this setting you make sure to have a stable session for each user. Cookieless tracking with Reset at midnight It is similiar to cookieless tracking with an important differences: The User identifier is resetet everday at midnight. So you are only able to track a user during one day. If he comes back the next day he will get a new identifier. Why should you do that? Because depending of your local laws you do not gather "user information" anymore. With this setting you might not need a consent for tracking anymore, because you do not track the user. compare cid generator methods Check "Advanced > Compare different cid generator methods" to compare different cid generation methods. The following will be compared:
  1. cookieless from this plugin
  2. tracking cookie from this plugin
  3. If available: tracking cookie generated by Google Analytics frontend library: _ga cookie. (Must have implemented Standard GA Frontend tracking) The test data should go in a separated test property. You need to create a custom dimensions which is populated with the type of cid:
  4. created by plugin
  5. cookieless
  6. created by GA library If you like to share your results I am happy to hear from you.
Notes for woocommerce integration
  1. gross prices are tracked.
  2. product tags are tracked as brand in GA.
  3. Enhanced Ecommerce is not fully implemented yet. It will evolve release by release. If you have any feature wishes please use the WP Support Forum of this Plugin.
  4. For technical reasons the add to cart event is not logged to the frontend. But you see it in the logs.


You can install this plugin without woocommerce. Just install this plugin and go to Settings > Google Analytics Backend Tracking to add your GA property Id and activate the tracking. Please use a property ID which is new. Do not mix requests from this plugin with request from another tracking solution in one property id. If you want to use an existing property id you should use different views with view filters. To recognize the traffic from this plugin you can check the field "data source" for "wp-backend-tracking". You may want to check the privacy section, before you activate it. Use this shortcode [nsc_gabt_opt_out_link linktext='tracking opt out' linktext_success='you have opted out.'] to display an opt out link. If you have woocommerce installed it will automatically track the orders. Do not forget to activate "enhanced ecommerce settings" in your google analytics settings.


  • General Settings
  • Custom Dimension Settings.
  • Enhanced Ecommerce Settings.
  • Filter Settings
  • Privacy Settings.
  • Debug Screen: see if everything works as expected.
  • Advanced Settings: add your own tracking URL.


What settings do I need, that I do not need a user consent anymore?

First of all: Please clarify that with your Data Privacy expert and Lawyer. I can not give you legal advice. Setting which would not send any user data would be:

  1. Privacy > cookieless with reset at midnight
  2. Privacy > Anonymize IP > Do not sent user ip But please check the data in the logs and consult your data privacy expert before putting this to live.


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