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Gabfire Twitter Feed

开发者 gabfire
更新时间 2014年9月16日 23:29
PHP版本: 3.4+ 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


sidebar social social media twitter tweet twitter feed twitter widget twitter sidebar oauth social sidebar twitter timeline gabfire themes social feed tweet list simple twitter twitter api 1.1 api 1.1 twitter oauth




Gabfire Twitter Feed is a simple plugin to show latest tweets in your sidebar or any other widget area. It uses the latest Twitter oAuth method ensuring full compatibility. This plugin works with any theme. For more information, visit You can rest assured that the team at will maintain this plugin. Widget: Gabfire Twitter Feed Use this widget to showcase your recent tweets from Twitter on your WordPress site. It allows tweets by username or by hashtag. This widget uses the latest Twitter oAuth method to retrieve tweets to ensure compatibility. Styling The widget is intentionally minimalistic so it will blend in with your existing theme by inheriting its style. However, if you wish to customize the widget output, you can use the following classes in your CSS file to target the appropriate elements: Twitter API Key Visit to get your Twitter application and secret keys. You can see the screenshot to identify exactly which values you will need. For more details, visit [Gabfire Themes].


You can install the Gabfire Widget Pack from your WordPress Dashboard or manually via FTP. From WordPress Dashboard Navigate to 'Plugins -> Add New' from your WordPress dashboard. Search for Gabfire Twitter Feed and install it. Activate the plugin from Plugins menu. Enable the widgets you wish to activate from Appearance -> Gabfire Twitter Feed Widget Add any widget to your widget zone from Appearance -> Widgets and configure the widget options. Manual Installation Download Unzip Upload the gabfire-twitter-feed folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory (do not rename the folder) Activate the plugin from Plugins menu. Enable the widgets you wish to activate from 'Appearance -> Gabfire Widget Pack'. Add any widget to your widget zone from 'Appearance -> Widgets' and configure the widget options.


  • Widget: Gabfire Twitter Feed Widget
  • Twitter API Settings
  • Gabfire Twitter Feed Widget Output without Images
  • Gabfire Twitter Feed Widget Output with Images

