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开发者 imehedidip
更新时间 2015年7月14日 03:08
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2


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Do you have high server load due to the hundreds of database queries a standard wordpress gallery plugin makes? Meet Gallerify, a simple plugin which replaces the default WordPress Gallery and completely solves the issue. Gallerify's algorithm is much, much faster than the default WordPress gallery and is optimised for high traffic websites. Gallerify is also responsive and lets you have full control over the look of the galleries. It lets you make full use of CDN and browser-level caching of both images and code and moves the load from your server to the client where it belongs. Try it now and rest easy! LIVE DEMO - LEAVE A REVIEW Features Getting Started Using Gallerify is very, very easy. You can either allow the plugin to repalce the default WordPress Gallery on the Gallerify Settings (Dashboard > Settings > Gallerify Settings) or you can use the custom Gallerify shortcode to load the galleries. Just use the shortcode [gallerify] and put all the images inside the shortcode. You can also use the attribute title to add a title to the Gallerify gallery. Here's an example: [gallerify title="Screenshots"] Put image tags here! [/gallerify] See? It's that simple! Responsive Gallerify is a responsive gallery plugin for WordPress. No matter what device your reader is using, the gallery will look beautiful in any display size. How about touch devices? Gallerify also supports touch input, keyboard input and more! It's one of the best responsive gallery plugin you can get on WordPress! Fast We use an advanced algorithm to load your posts' galleries faster. WordPress' default gallery feature needs to require a lot of database queries which causes server loads for websites. However, our plugin doesn't need to acquire any data from the WordPress Database, making the plugin load faster! Admin Panel Gallerify comes with an admin panel where you can customize any settings you want. Don't like a feature? Just disable it! Don't like the color? Just customize it to your needs! If you've any problems with the plugin or would like to feedback, please let me know at Twitter: @mehedih. Also, if you like and use the plugin, a review is really appreciated as well! Thanks for using the plugin!


The easy way.. Go to your WordPress Dashboard. Navigate to Plugins > Add New and then search for "Gallerify". Click on Install and then Activate the Plugin. That's it, Gallerify is now activated on your site! The hard way.. Download Gallerify and then extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.


  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png

