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Gallery Plugin XMLRPC Interface

更新时间 2013年1月10日 23:04
PHP版本: 3.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


Gallery XMLRPC Photo



Basically this plugin creates XMLRPC interfaces for Gallery Plugin. Thanks for the author of Extended API, Michael Grosser, since this plugin has reused the design. NOTE: API functions (xmlrpc revoke functions) are all prefixed with 'i_gllrxmlrpc'.


  1. Gallery plugin has to be installed as the pre-requisite condition. You can find Gallery Plugin here,
  2. unzip the plugin
  3. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  5. In administrator portal, click Settings->Gallery Plugin XMLRPC Interface to enable/disable the api functions. Warning: Debug Error log is being appended into the WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/debug.log'; Make sure that in production environment, trun off the debug directive in wp-includes/default-constants.php


Exmaple to invoke the xmlrpc api in PHP

//this example demo how to invoke the api to delete a image in the album set_time_limit(0); require_once(""); $client->debug = true; // Set it to false in Production Environment // Create the client object $client = new IXR_Client('{zonename}','/xmlrpc.php?delete_images[]={imageID}'); $username = "{admin login name}"; $password = "{password}"; $function_args = array(array('',$username,$password,'{postID}', array())); $params = array($username,$password,"i_gllrxmlrpc_editpost", $function_args); // Run a query To Read Posts From Wordpress $ret = $client->query('gllrxmlrpc_extapi.callGllrMethod', $params); if (!$ret) { die('Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage()); } $myresponse = $client->getResponse(); print_r($myresponse);

Exmaple to invoke the xmlrpc api in java

client = new XMLRPCClient(WordPress.currentBlog.getUrl(), WordPress.currentBlog.getHttpuser(), WordPress.currentBlog.getHttppassword()); Object[] result = null; // Map gallery_type = new HashMap(); gallery_type.put("post_type", "gallery"); //String[] return_fields = {"post_title", "post_type"}; Object[] fArgs = {"", WordPress.currentBlog.getUsername(),WordPress.currentBlog.getPassword(),gallery_type}; Object[] funcArgs = {fArgs}; // Object[] params = { WordPress.currentBlog.getUsername(), WordPress.currentBlog.getPassword(), "i_gllrxmlrpc_metaweblog_getposts", funcArgs }; try { result = (Object[])"gllrxmlrpc_extapi.callGllrMethod", params); } catch (XMLRPCException e) { errorMsg = e.getMessage(); }

Exmaple to invoke the delete post api in php

debug = true; // Set it to fase in Production Environment // Create the client object $client = new IXR_Client('hushanqi.localhost','/xmlrpc.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=ECLIPSE_DBGP&KEY=13505726480152'); $username = "{user name}"; $password = "{password}"; $function_args = array(array('',$username,$password,'99')); $params = array($username,$password,"i_gllrxmlrpc_deletepost", $function_args); // Run a query To Read Posts From Wordpress if (!$client->query('gllrxmlrpc_extapi.callGllrMethod', $params)) { die('Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage()); } $myresponse = $client->getResponse(); print_r($myresponse); die(); ?>


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