If you want to create a database about games, you can use this plugin. This is the most detailed game database plugin. GamePress allows you to create libraries of games,
credits(Who are behind the games), game characters, game companies, even game engines and more. You can add video gallery and image gallery into details of the game, and also list details of characters and people which connected with the games. Further information, visit
the demo website. or read
the documentation
If you cannot upload the plugin normally and have access to the server side, edit the following lines in the php.ini file.
- upload_max_filesize = 5M It should be min. 3M
- post_max_size = 5M It should be min. 3M
Or you can extract the plugin file and upload it (gamepress folder) into yoursite/wp-content/plugins/ via FTP.
The plugin file is approximately 2 mb.
When you activate the plugin, it will create the following database tables and redirect you to the setup screen.
- prefix_gpress_chars
- prefix_gpress_companies
- prefix_gpress_content_comps
- prefix_gpress_content_images
- prefix_gpress_content_langs
- prefix_gpress_content_videos
- prefix_gpress_crew
- prefix_gpress_engines
- prefix_gpress_games
- prefix_gpress_genres
- prefix_gpress_images
- prefix_gpress_jobs
- prefix_gpress_langs
- prefix_gpress_modes
- prefix_gpress_op
- prefix_gpress_people
- prefix_gpress_perspectives
- prefix_gpress_platforms
- prefix_gpress_rating
- prefix_gpress_settings
- prefix_gpress_templates
- prefix_gpress_themes
- prefix_gpress_videos
The plugin will create custom pages on Wordpress. Before completing the installation, make sure these pages are not used.
- Games (page url: http://yoursite/games)
- Characters (page url: http://yoursite/characters)
- People (page url: http://yoursite/people)
- Companies (page url: http://yoursite/companies)
- Genres (page url: http://yoursite/genres)
- Modes (page url: http://yoursite/companies)
- Engines (page url: http://yoursite/engines)
- Themes (page url: http://yoursite/themes)
- Perspectives (page url: http://yoursite/perspectives)
- Platforms (page url: http://yoursite/platforms)