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GamiPress - Gamification plugin to reward points, achievements, badges & ranks in WordPress

开发者 gamipress
更新时间 2025年2月25日 22:05
PHP版本: 4.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GNU AGPL v3.0
版权网址: 版权信息


badges achievements points ranks gamification


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Live Demo | Add-ons | Assets | Documentation | Code Snippets GamiPress is the easiest way to gamify your WordPress website in just a few minutes, letting you award your users with digital rewards for interacting with your site. Easily define the achievements, organize requirements, and choose from a range of assessment options to determine whether each task or requirement has been successfully achieved. GamiPress is extremely powerful and infinitely extensible. Check out some of the built in features: 3 powerful ways to award your users GamiPress combines three of the most powerful award systems you could add to your site: Unlimited ways to define how to award the different points, achievements and ranks Features Integrated with your favorites WordPress plugins GamiPress integrates with a large number of plugins allowing you to add gamification in any environment. LMS integrations Forms integrations Community integrations Other integrations View all integrations Powerful add-ons to extend GamiPress is home to some amazing extensions for GamiPress, including: View all plugins on If you’re looking for something endorsed and maintained by the developers who built GamiPress, there are a plethora of premium add-ons, the most popular of which include: View all add-ons 3rd party integrations Other teams have integrated GamiPress into their products like plugins, apps and themes, including: View all 3rd party integrations More plugins from the GamiPress team If you like GamiPress, you will love AutomatorWP! The most powerful no-code automator plugin that lets you connect +200 plugins together or with apps, platforms with webhooks plus other WordPress sites. More about AutomatorWP


From WordPress backend
  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  2. Click the button "Upload Plugin" next to "Add plugins" title.
  3. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.
Direct upload
  1. Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
  4. Activate this plugin.


  • Configure as many points types as you like: Credits, Gems, Coins, etc.
  • Configure as many achievement types as you like: Badges, Quests, etc.
  • Configure as many rank types as you like: Grade, Level, etc.
  • Let users to optionally unlock any achievement or rank by expending an amount of points without meet the requirements.
  • Simple yet powerful admin interface to manage your gamification elements.
  • Drag and drop control to define the requirements for any achievement, points type or rank.
  • Built-in support for Gutenberg including a great number of blocks to place them anywhere.
  • Live shortcode editor appears in the toolbar of all WordPress content editor areas, allowing you to transform any page or post into part of your gamification system without referencing any of the shortcodes.
  • WordPress-friendly widgets to show the user points wallet, earned achievements, latest logs, and more.
  • Configurable email templates to let your users get notified automatically about new awards.
  • Flexible log system with support for public and private logs.


Is GamiPress compatible with any theme?

We built GamiPress so that it will work with modern WordPress themes. GamiPress just adds positional styles which will allow you to better customize everything for your specific needs.

Can GamiPress be easily translated?

Yes, GamiPress is stored in the official WordPress plugins repository where you (and anyone) are able to submit your own translations.

Does GamiPress work with WordPress multisite?

Yes. You can use GamiPress on a WordPress multisite network. In addition, GamiPress has the ability to centralize all the data when is network wide active.

Does GamiPress work with WordPress rest API?

Yes. GamiPress includes full built-in support to the WordPress rest API. You can find all information about rest API on this page.

Where can I find documentation about GamiPress?

Check the Getting Started docs where you can start getting familiarized with GamiPress. Also, we have the tutorials sections where you can find step-by-step guides to accomplish some common task to start working with GamiPress.

Where can I find code snippets to customize GamiPress?

Check our customize section where you can find a huge number of code snippets to help you customize GamiPress.

Where can I find images to customize the GamiPress elements?

Check our assets section where you can find a huge number of resources to decorate your gamification elements to take the design of them to the next level.

Which shortcodes come bundled with GamiPress?

GamiPress comes with the following shortcodes:

In your WordPress admin area, navigate to the GamiPress Help/Support menu where you can find the full list of available shortcodes, including descriptions of all parameters each shortcode supports.

Which blocks and widgets come bundled with GamiPress?

GamiPress comes with the following blocks and widgets:

  • Achievement: to display a desired achievement.
  • Achievements: to display a list of achievements.
  • Last Achievements Earned: to display a list of the latest achievements earned.
  • User Earnings: to display a list of user earnings.
  • Logs: to display a list of logs.
  • Points Types: to display a list of points types with their points awards and deducts.
  • User Points: to display current or specific user points balance.
  • Rank: to display a desired rank.
  • Ranks: to display a list of ranks.
  • User Rank: to display previous, current and/or next rank of a user.
  • Email Settings: to display the user email notifications preferences for the GamiPress emails.
  • Inline Achievement: to display a desired achievement inline.
  • Inline Last Achievements Earned: to display a list of the latest achievements earned inline.
  • Inline Rank: to display a desired rank inline.
  • Inline User Rank: to display previous, current and/or next rank of a user inline.

Do you offer custom development services?

No, We're unable to provide custom development services, as our focus is developing the core GamiPress plugin, and the official GamiPress add-ons. If you need customization services check our customizations page. Also, you can check our customize section where you can find a huge number of code snippets to help you customize GamiPress!


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