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GCal Days

开发者 coffee2code
更新时间 2016年5月26日 07:19
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


google calendar shortcode coffee2code gcal days until days since


1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.2


This plugin provides a shortcode and a set of functions to return the number of days since the most recent past event in your Google Calendar matching specified search terms. The shortcode can also be used to return the number of days until the closest upcoming event matching specified search terms. The Shortcode [gcal-days search="" type="" id=""] The shortcode name is gcal-days. It has three attributes, but only one of which is absolutely necessary: The shortcode outputs a number representing the number of days until a matching event. If no event is found, a -1 will be displayed. Examples: [gcal-days search="dentist"], [gcal-days type="until" search="vacation" id=""] Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | Author Homepage


  1. Unzip inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory for your site (or install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer).
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' admin menu in WordPress.
  3. Visit the plugin's setting page, 'Settings' -> 'GCal Days', and follow the link to obtain an authorization code from Google that permits the plugin access to your Google Calendar data.
  4. Use the provided shortcode or functions, as per instructions.


  • A screenshot of the plugin's admin settings page.


1.2 Recommended minor update: added more helpful responses to API test submissions; improved support for language packs; noted compatibility through WP 4.5+ 1.1.1 Trivial update: added support for localization; noted compatibility through WP 4.1+; added plugin icon 1.1 Recommended minor update: allow shortcode to work in text widgets; added documentation for shortcode. 1.0 Initial release!


Does that mean I am granting you (the plugin author) access to my Google Calendar data?

No. Google's API allows for an app (such as this plugin) to be granted specific access (see next question). The access token is requested by the plugin and stored in your database. The data is only communicated back and forth between your site and Google via HTTPS.

What sort of access from Google is the plugin requesting?

The plugin is only requesting read-only access to Google Calendars. As such, the plugin will not be able to make any changes to your calendars, nor will it be able to access data associated with other Google services.

Why isn't a calendar change I just made in Google Calendar being recognized by the plugin?

To avoid the expense of making network connections to Google for every page load, information is cached for a short period of time. You may have to wait a few minutes after calendar changes before expecting to see those changes reflected in the plugin.


1.2 (2016-04-12) 1.1.1 (2015-03-06) 1.1 1.0