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GenerateWP Embed

开发者 ramiy
更新时间 2019年7月6日 17:59
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


embed shortcode development snippets code oEmbed code snippets GenerateWP


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


Create code snippets and showcase them to your users. About GenerateWP GenerateWP provides user-friendly tools for developers to create advanced applications built on top of WordPress. With simple code generators, developers can create custom and high quality code using the latest WordPress coding standards and API's. GenerateWP WordPress Plugin Using this plugin you can showcase your code snippets from in your WordPress site, using the snippet URL or snippet ID. Choose any public snippet from your dashboard or from the sites public snippet library, or create your own! Copy the snippet URL and paste it into your text editor. Then simply click over to the visual editor to confirm that it loads properly. Alternatively, you can embed snippets to your content using the [generatewp id=""] shortcode with the following attributes:


  1. In your WordPress Dashboard go to "Plugins" -> "Add Plugin".
  2. Search for "GenerateWP Embed".
  3. Install the plugin by pressing the "Install" button.
  4. Activate the plugin by pressing the "Activate" button.
中等需求 Recommended Requirements


  • Pasting snippet URL to the text editor.
  • Pasting snippet URL to the visual editor.


How do I embed snippets from GenerateWP?

With this plugin you can use the URL to embed snippets. Just paste the snippet URL into your post editor:

How do I set custom dimensions to my snippets?

Since WordPress 4.2, you can double click the embedded item to set max width and max height. It will add the WordPress [embed] shortcode: [embed width="600" height="400"][/embed] Note: Doing it the WordPress way, using the [embed] shortcode, is backwards and forward compatible, and it works with all the themes.

Can I customize the embedded snippet?

For advanced customization, use [generatewp id=""] shortcode with the following attributes:

  • id - Snippet ID (required).
  • theme - The embedded snippet theme. Accepted themes: github, geonyx, kimono, paradise, soft, zenophilia, md (material design), luminous_dark (dark theme), luminous_light (light theme). Default is 'github'.
  • lang - Cod syntax language. Accepted languages: php, html, css, javascript. Default 'php'.
  • ln - Line numbers are turned on by default but you can turn it off using the ln parameter and set it to zero (0).
  • sl - Starting line number. Default 1, if line numbers turned on.
  • al - Auto-link links listed in the code. Default 0, no auto links.
  • mh - Max height for the embedded snippet to overwrite vertical scroll bars. Default 500 (pixels).


1.5 (2016-06-15) 1.4 (2016-04-04) 1.3 (2015-11-30) 1.2 (2015-03-28) 1.1 (2015-03-02) 1.0 (2015-02-20)