👉 Best directory plugin
I’ve tried many directory plugin before going for this one and i have to say this is by far the best one on the market.
it takes some time to learn how to use it and set it properly but once you do everything runs smooth and easy.
A special note goes to the support which is amazing and always reliable.
💁 mm81 (@mm81)
GeoDirectory is an outstanding WordPress Business Directory Plugin. It helps visitors to your Geo Directory website discover businesses through their listings.
No matter what you need to build, be it a City Directory, a Job Board, a Real Estate listing directory, or a classified website, GeoDirectory turns any WordPress theme into a robust search network for users.
Add all your business listings at once and tap into an impressive set of blocks, shortcodes, and widgets to set up intuitive, location-based website directories.
Do it all stress-free and in style with 100% compatible WordPress page builders like Gutenberg (Kadence WP, Astra, Neve, OceanWP), Elementor, Bricks, Divi, Beaver Builder, and Breakdance!
Demos ✅
Addons ✅
Themes ✅
Docs ✅
- WordPress 5.0 or greater
- PHP version 5.6 or greater
- MySQL 5.0 或更新版本
The easiest option is automatic installation. To automatically install GeoDirectory, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click Add New.
In the search field, type GeoDirectory and click Search Plugins. Once you've found our business directory plugin, install it by clicking Install Now.
GeoDirectory basic installation
The manual installation method involves downloading our Directory plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex will tell you more
GeoDirectory basic installation
Automatic updates should work seamlessly. We always suggest you back up your website before any automated update to avoid unforeseen problems.
WARNING: GDv2 is a significant update over GDv1 and may require manual work, such as adding widgets to sidebars to recreate your current layout. As always, we recommend trying this on a staging site first. Learn more
GeoDirectory v2.8.103 - 2025-02-27
- GD > Categories looses BS5 style on AJAX CPT change - FIXED
- GD > Categories append post type name setting is not wokring - FIXED
- GD > Tags widget added to show GD post type tags - ADDED
- Greedy menu should auto close on tab select - CHANGED
- Non float distance value in near me search sometimes throws error - FIXED
- German language double quote breaks AJAX search args on CPT switch - FIXED
- Filters added to geodir_get_widget_listings() to short-circuit queries - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.8.102 - 2025-02-20
- GD > Recent Reviews option added to customize comment excerpt length - ADDED
- TikTok input url predefined field added - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.8.101 - 2025-02-13
- GD > Import & Export add message not to use Excel file - CHANGED
- GD > Recently Viewed widget option added to manage archive item template - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.8.100 - 2025-02-06
- Added GD Query loop options for Bricks theme - ADDED
- Added Google map cameraControl compatibility - COMPATIBILITY
GeoDirectory v2.8.99 - 2025-01-30
- Url field type sanitization breaks encoded url field value - FIXED
- Map marker icon generated with mapmarker.io shows incorrect size - FIXED
- GD embed post wrapper shows extra space - FIXED
- Bricks theme term dynamic data not working inside custom loop - FIXED
- Changes to Bricks filter names to fix bug and allow for Location meta data from addon - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.8.98 - 2025-01-20
- Potential XSS via user display name ( not possible in default settings, requires profile edit via another plugin or contributor + user ) - FIXED/SECURITY
- Search near query can be broken if non float used, more sanitization added - CHANGED/SECURITY
GeoDirectory v2.8.97 - 2025-01-16
- Enabling Bricks Builder shows _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly - FIXED
- Bricks Theme, Images post meta now work in dynamic data - FIXED
- Bricks Theme, Images category meta work in dynamic data - FIXED
- Added new hooks in add listing map template - ADDED
- GD > Categories shows uncaught type error on PHP 8 - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.8.96 - 2025-01-09
- Rating label in not responsive on mobile - CHANGED
- In some cases page as archive/search template is not working with Elementor Pro - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.8.95 - 2025-01-02
- Open now search don't filters listings with UTC timezone & open for 24 hours - FIXED
- Show Map/Listings toggle is not working for block theme on mobile - FIXED
- GD Simple Archive Item > FEATURED badge is not translatable - FIXED
- Compatibility changes for Elementor Pro v3.25 styles update - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.8.94 - 2024-12-26
- AJAX search with empty text don't show placeholder text for main search input - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.8.93 - 2024-12-19
- MySQL error BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column can't have a default value - FIXED
- Google map street view pegman icon not visible - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.8.92 - 2024-12-12
- GD > Post Address not rendered for optional & empty street value - CHANGED
- Changes to better support AyeCode Connect Turnstile Captcha - ADDED
- Bricks Post Fav element added - ADDED
- Bricks Post Rating element added - ADDED
- Bricks Recent Reviews element added - ADDED
- Google address response have missing city parts for some addresses within Barbados - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.8.91 - 2024-12-05
- Multiple maps on the page shows JavaScript error - FIXED
- A-Z Search links don't removes page params on paginated links - FIXED
- GD > Post Images option "Show limit" uses incorrect width for first slide on mobile - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.90 - 2024-11-30
- Load scripts on call feature can break block theme add listing page map - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.89 - 2024-11-29
- Old version of AUI conflicts if not updated - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.88 - 2024-11-28
- Elementor conditional field condition less than not working for post date - FIXED
- Option added to enable/disable load scripts on call - ADDED
- Some GD elements added to Bricks builder - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.87 - 2024-11-21
- Compatibility changes for ClassicPress - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.86 - 2024-11-14
- WordPress 6.7 compatibility changes for translation - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.85 - 2024-11-12
- GD > Recent Reviews carousel does not work when row items selected to default - FIXED
- Added developer setting for "Big Dats" to improve queries for directories with over 50k listings - ADDED
- Widget title tag can now only be set from a sanitized list - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.84 - 2024-10-31
- Use of ABS() on latitude in distance query gives incorrect distance - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.83 - 2024-10-24
- Bricks Builder style is not rendering for GD Archive Item template - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.82 - 2024-10-10
- Elementor editor GD > Listings - Category & CPT options are not changing on CPT change - FIXED
- GD > Dynamic Content remove CSS class setting added by WP default - CHANGED
- geodir_template_page_options() not allowing child page selection - FIXED
- Filter added
to adjust the 500 pages limit - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.81 - 2024-09-30
- Spectra block style issue on GD Single page - FIXED
- GD > Recently Viewed sanitize parameters to prevent output JS code - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.80 - 2024-09-23
- Carousel control shows opposite icons on directory theme - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.79 - 2024-09-19
- Image meta not saved properly when multiple file fields on add/edit listing page - FIXED
- Carousel in BootStrap modal not working on RTL - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.78 - 2024-09-12
- GD > Post Content read more link don't scrolls to tab content when tab is not placed at first - FIXED
- geodir_template_page_options() function updated to use custom query for better memory usage - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.77 - 2024-09-06
- Theme customize AyeCode UI colors settings not working after update - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.76 - 2024-09-05
- GD > Post Features shows error when tag does not exists - FIXED
- Add alt text to OSM marker icon if alt text saved in media - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.75 - 2024-08-29
- In some cases SVG icon as map marker is not working on FireFox - FIXED
- List Save button not working on Fast AJAX search - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.74 - 2024-08-22
- Email tags added for comment link & comment post link - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.73 - 2024-08-15
- GD > A-Z Search block added to list the listings alphabetically order - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.72 - 2024-08-15
- Archive page should use default template for deleted & cached page - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.71 - 2024-08-08
- Nonce security check added to admin rating link - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.70 - 2024-08-01
- Avada Builder GD Listings don't reload categories on post type change - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.69 - 2024-07-25
- Add listing page shows not working on some theme - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.68 - 2024-07-25
- GD loop broken on search page for some themes - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.67 - 2024-07-18
- GD search broken on some block theme - FIXED
- Astra theme GD search broken - FIXED
- Super Duper lib caused fatal error on WP < 5.9 - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.66 - 2024-07-17
- non FSE themes can fail to render new blocks - FIXED
- Image attribute in schema shows location when private address is enabled - FIXED
- More block theme template updates for new block rendering system - CHANGED
- GD Search page not rendering on some themes with new block rendering system - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.64 - 2024-07-16
- GD > Dynamic Content keys added for logged in, logged out, post author, user roles etc - ADDED
- BIG changes to the way blocks are rendered to help prevent broken blocks in the future - CHANGED
- GD Block templates updated to new block output types - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.62 - 2024-07-08
- GD > Output Location left border issue with "Wrap with lines" option - FIXED
- Logged in user can break old deprecated tool function SQL in non-useful way - SECURITY
GeoDirectory v2.3.61 - 2024-07-05
- Multiple carousels on the page breaks carousel in modal - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.60 - 2024-07-04
- Category default image is not set during dummy data import - FIXED
- Allow to play video file in post images lightbox - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.59 - 2024-06-27
- Use default distance radius when service_distance value is not set - CHANGED
- GD > Dynamic Content block can now do date comparisons with custom date fields - ADDED
- Thrive Theme compatibility changes - ADDED
- Elementor icon list css not loading in archive posts - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.58 - 2024-06-20
- Image slider conflicts with GD Listings carousel on elementor template - FIXED
- Add AVIF image support - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.57 - 2024-06-13
- Tool added to merge missing listing categories from WP relationship terms - ADDED
- Location type missing causes issue in location replace vars - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.56 - 2024-06-06
- Avada AWB fly-out menu conflicts on GD archive pages - FIXED
- Map and Location widget not always setting BS5 classes correctly - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.55 - 2024-05-30
- Elementor custom dynamic property causes error on GD template - FIXED
- GD > Listings carousel not working with elementor template when center slide active - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.54 - 2024-05-23
- Dummy category icons can now use SVG images - ADDED
- GD > Map widget now uses inline CSS SVG instead of URL based for better block template support - CHANGED
- GD > Map Block not selectable by clicking in editor after block recovery - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.53 - 2024-05-16
- Elementor container not following GD CSS Hide conditions - FIXED
- Add to favorite action is not working - FIXED
- Booking Availability field is not working properly with Fast AJAX - FIXED
- GD > Post Meta post_type field support added - CHANGED
- GD > Post title widget not respecting the GD > Listings SEO heading setting - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.52 - 2024-05-09
- AUI radio set should skip showing optgroup from option values - FIXED
- GD > Listings block missing title attribute settings - ADDED/FIXED
- PHP Warning: Undefined array key "heading_tag" - FIXED
- Dummy data import does not support external images - FIXED
- Add "id" as reserved field to prevent custom field with id key - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.51 - 2024-05-02
- Switching the package looses login user name & email - CHANGED
- BS4 lightbox displays blurred image in GD Post Images - FIXED
- Allow to customize lightbox image size via filter - ADDED
- Post Images rounded setting is not working - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.50 - 2024-04-25
- Correct leaflet routing icon font family - FIXED
- CPT settings template field don't have clear setting option - FIXED
- GD > Listings additional css class(es) attribute is not working - FIXED
- Near me manual popup for setting location cancel button not working with BS5 styles - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.49 - 2024-04-15
- Extra sanitization for shortcode tag selectors, contributor+ user with details template access could potentially output JS code - FIXED/SECURITY
GeoDirectory v2.3.48 - 2024-04-11
- UK regions can sometime contain "Council", we now remove this by default - CHANGED
- SD and AUI packages updated to latest - UPDATED
GeoDirectory v2.3.47 - 2024-04-04
- GD images don't allow .svg images even WP media allows - FIXED
- GD > Post Images masonry is not working when AJAX load option active - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.46 - 2024-03-27
- GD > Best Of dropdown shows &(ampersand) incorrectly - FIXED
- Added jobs dummy data type - ADDED
- Dummy data images CDN url updated - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.45 - 2024-03-21
- GD > Post images masonry gallery is not working with BS5 - FIXED
- Added filter for dummy data posts - ADDED
- Matterport embed URLs not working - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.44 - 2024-03-14
- Old MariaDB causes index column size error - FIXED
- Profile title tag could be changed to non heading tag by a contributor level user - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.42 - 2024-03-05
- Negative category id don't exclude listings from map markers - FIXED
- GD > Listings block can show duplicate listings when filtered by taxonomies - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.41 - 2024-02-22
- OSM directions route should use listing location as an end point - CHANGED
- Skip TranslatePress plugin from Fast AJAX request - CHANGED
- Several SQL Query optimizations reducing some query times even further - ADDED
- GD > Single Next Prev not filtering by same location - FIXED
- Add listing zip and region discovery improvements - ADDED
- Setup Wizard fields not showing tooltips with BS5 styles - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.40 - 2024-02-15
- Custom single post map is not loading on non GD pages - FIXED
- PHP 8.2 compatibility changes in Emogrifier class - CHANGED
- OSM marker cluster add maxClusterRadius option support - ADDED
GeoDirectory v2.3.39 - 2024-02-08
- Address custom field can now be set as optional - CHANGED
- Function utf8_decode is deprecated - FIXED
- Google API Key generation shows apiid is missing error - FIXED
- Category schema types updated to latest release - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.38 - 2024-02-01
- GD > Post Features shows fields label special chars encoded incorrectly - FIXED
- Category icon not generated from FontAwesome icons for some sites - FIXED
- Function _inject_theme_attribute_in_block_template_content is deprecated - FIXED
GeoDirectory v2.3.37 - 2024-01-25
- OSM layer url shows apikey parameter twice for custom style map - FIXED
- Listing ad shows incorrect rating stars on Divi builder template - FIXED
- Edit logo image title is not working on Chrome browser - FIXED
- PHP Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding() - FIXED
- Astra theme conflicts on search page - FIXED
- Setting changed for Borlabs Cookie v3 - CHANGED
GeoDirectory v2.3.36 - 2024-01-09
- GD > Categories category text style not working for image design type - FIXED
- Meta title separator normal dash replaced to en dash when RankMath active - FIXED
- Blocksy theme conflicts with GD search results page - FIXED
Older Changelogs
Archive of GeoDirectory changelogs.