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开发者 jbd7
更新时间 2023年4月1日 21:48
捐献地址: 去捐款
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


photo flickr exif location google maps map maps picture google map geo mapping geotag gps geotagged taken


1.02 1.1 1.01 1.2 1.3


GeoFlickr is a Wordpress plugin that displays a map of the location where the photo was taken, for all embedded Flickr photos that contain GPS coordinates. For every photo in a wordpress post/page that is hosted on Flickr, this plugin adds a small red balloon in the top left corner when the mouse is hovering over the photo. If the photo is geotagged on Flickr, meaning it contains GPS coordinates in the EXIF metadata, a click on the balloon displays a pop-up featuring a Google Satellite map of the surroundings. Thanks to Tarique Sani, author of the Flickr foto info plugin, no longer maintained and not working anymore, on which GeoFlickr is based. GeoFlickr features:


  1. Install from your Wordpress site by adding a new plugin, search for GeoFlickr
  1. Upload the file into the '/wp-content/plugins/' folder of your Wordpress installation
  2. Unzip the plugin to create the GeoFlickr folder
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • Embedded Flickr photo on a webpage while mouse on photo
  • Thickbox popup containing the map where the photo was taken
  • Plugin settings page


1.0 The old plugin Flickr foto info doesn't work anymore. Upgrade to this one if you want to recover functionality, however, the EXIF button and HELP button have not been upgraded.


1.3 (20230401) 1.2 (20230212) 1.1 (20210908) 1.02 (20181214) 1.01 (20170410) 1.0 (20160917)