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Advanced Tools for Gravity Forms

开发者 apos37
更新时间 2025年1月24日 04:32
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


spam search report schedule merge tags

下载 1.0.2 1.0.4 1.0.3


Advanced Tools for Gravity Forms is your go-to solution for enhancing and customizing your Gravity Forms experience. This powerful plugin delivers a rich set of features designed to optimize form management, expand functionality, and tailor forms precisely to your needs. Whether you're looking to streamline your workflow or add cutting-edge capabilities, this plugin is essential for elevating your form game. YOU MUST HAVE GRAVITY FORMS INSTALLED TO USE THIS ADD-ON


  1. Install the plugin from your website's plugin directory, or upload the plugin to your plugins folder.
  2. Activate it.
  3. Go to Gravity Forms > Settings > Advanced Tools.


  • Entries by Date
  • Spam List
  • Report Builder on Back-End
  • Report on Front-End
  • Merge Tags
  • Global Settings 1
  • Global Settings 2
  • Form Settings
  • Entry Debugging


How do I use the front-end report builder?

Navigate to Forms > Advanced Tools > Front-End Reports to build your report. Use the [gfat_report id=""] shortcode with the report ID in the id parameter on the page where you want the report displayed.

What's the purpose of connecting a form to a post or page?

You can connect a form to a another post, page, or custom post type to populate meta data into your form. You can use merge tags {connection:[meta_key]} to display the data in your confirmations or notifications. To set up, navigate to your form's Advanced Tools settings, and scroll down to Field Population. You can either enter a post ID to connect to a single post for the entire form, or if you want to use the same form for multiple posts, like I do for using a single evaluation across multiple training posts, you can enter a query string parameter instead. Then you would pass the post ID in the URL like:, whereas post_id would be the query string parameter. This is useful to combine reports into one, as well as to minimize the number of forms and pages you have to create and manage if they're all going to be the same anyway.

Can I use the same spam records across multiple sites?

Yes. Navigate to Forms > Settings > Advanced Tools. Scroll down to the Entries section. Where it says, "Enable Enhanced Spam Filtering," choose "Host" on the host site, and generate a new API Key. On the other sites, choose "Client" and enter the API Key from the host site, along with the URL of the host site. Then on the host site only you need to create a database table where you will store the spam data. To do so, click on "Manage Spam List" from these settings, or navigate to Forms > Advanced Tools > Spam List. You will only need to create a database table on the host site! Now, on the client site you can go to the spam list and you should see the list of spam records from the host site and a form where you can add a new record. Records will be saved on the host site's database where all sites will use the same list.

How do I use the global signatures?

Navigate to Forms > Settings > Advanced Tools. Scroll down to the Confirmatations and Notifications sections. Create a confirmations signature and/or a notifications signature here. Then use the {confirmation_signature} merge tag on the bottom of your confirmations where you want to use the confirmation signature. Likewise, use the {notification_signature} merge tag on the notifications where you want to use the notifications signature.

How do I make custom merge tags?

Navigate to Forms > Settings > Advanced Tools. Scroll down to the Merge Tags section. Add a new field. Enter a label that you want to use in the merge tag drop downs. Enter a modifier, which will be used in the merge tag itself (ie. {gfat:[modifier]}).

  • For a direct value (such as a contact phone number that may change in the future), you can select "Value" and enter the text or numeric value that you want the merge tag to populate.
  • For more advanced users, you can select "Callback Function," and include the callback function name. This way you can populate stuff more dynamically.

How do I make custom form settings?

Navigate to Forms > Settings > Advanced Tools. Scroll down to the For Developers section. Add a new field and enter the field label, meta key and field type. The field will then be added to all of your forms' settings. The form setting values are saved on the form object, and can be used in your custom queries.

Where can I request features and get further support?

Join my Discord support server

更新日志: 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2