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Gfycat for Wordpress

开发者 nickmasri
更新时间 2017年9月7日 09:37
PHP版本: 3.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


embed tinymce gif gifs Gfycat


1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0


Want readers to love your blog or site? Good news - GIFs promote reader engagement and sharing! Gfycat makes it easy to find and embed fun and eye-catching GIFs from the world’s largest user-generated GIF platform. Our GIFs are served as HTML5 video, which means you never have to worry about them looking grainy or slowing down your page. To embed a GIF, click the Gfycat logo button in the text editor, browse trending GIFs or search for the perfect one, then click the “Embed into Post” button. Easy peasy! We have an enormous content library encompassing all the funniest GIFs from around the Internet, clips from the hottest movies, original GIF artwork, and more.


  1. install and copy the 'Gfycat for Wordpress' directory to your wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. go to your wp-admin panel and activate the Gfycat for Wordpress plugin.
  3. once the plugin is enabled you should see the Gfycat logo in your tinymce editor panel!


How do I embed a GIF in my blog?

Search for the GIF in question. Click it. If you’d like to include a caption and a link for that caption, go ahead and add these. You can select one of two ways of embedding the GIF. Select “Embed full-width GIF” if you’d like the GIF to stretch to the width of your blog text. Select “Embed custom-size GIF” if you’d like the GIF to be a fixed width/height (set to 580 pixels max width and 800 pixels max height)

How do I search for a GIF from a particular Gfycat account or user?

In the search bar, type the account name then press Return. You’ll get a selection of GIFs from that user or channel and can select the GIF you’d like to use.

What are the categories that I see?

To make it easier find GIFs, we’ve picked a few known search terms and curated some of the content there. In many cases, you’ll find really interesting content just by browsing those categories.

Can I use your GIFs for commercial purposes?

Using any of our GIFs for non-commercial purposes is “fair use.” Gfycat is a user-generated content platform and we don’t own the rights to most of the content on our site, so you shouldn’t use Gfycat GIFs for commercial purposes unless you’re sure you have the rights to do so.

How will this affect my privacy?

We don’t collect any personal information from you or ask you to sign in. For more, check out the privacy policy on our website.


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4