GiveWP is the highest rated, most downloaded, and best supported donation plugin for WordPress. Whether you need a simple donate button or a powerful donation platform optimized for online giving, GiveWP is right for you.
Transform the way you accept online donations, starting for free. With GiveWP you can accept gifts for charity or for other purposes, through customizable donation forms. Our donation plugin also allows you to view donor data and fundraising reports, manage donors, and integrate with a wide variety of third-party gateways and services.
- WordPress 6.5 or greater
- PHP version 7.2 or greater
- MySQL version 5.7 or greater
- MariaDB version 10 or later
- 某些支付网关需要 fsockopen 支持(以便于 IPN)
- cURL version 5.40 or higher
- An SSL certificate -- while this is not strictly required, it is highly recommend. If you are converting your site to use SSL/HTTPS now, we have a detailed guide to help you here.
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don't need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of GiveWP, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click "Add New".
In the search field type "GiveWP" and click Search Plugins. Once you have found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking "Install Now".
The manual installation method involves downloading our donation plugin and uploading it to your server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains
instructions on how to do this here.
3.22.1: March 7th, 2025
- Security: Added a permission check to a GiveWP reporting request (CVE-2025-2025)
3.22.0: February 26th, 2025
- New: Added initial WPML and Polylang multilingual translation support to visual form builder forms that currently excludes custom fields
- Fix: Resolved a validation issue with PayPal donations when using Akismet
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the custom amount block input behaving unexpectedly with some currencies and languages
- Fix: Prevent recording donation status change if no modification (Open-source contribution by @yiedpozi)
- Fix: Provide message for the donor when card is declined via Stripe (Open-source contribution by @Genevieve-K)
3.21.1: February 14th, 2025
- Fix: Resolved an issue that was preventing WordPress plugins from being updated
3.21.0: February 13th, 2025
- Enhancement: Added support for the future ability to bundle and auto-activate add-on licenses for maximum convenience
- Enhancement: Added title attribute to Donation Form block to improve accessibility
- Fix: Added missing form ID to multistep form design template
3.20.0: February 3rd, 2025
- Enhancement: Updated Event list table to truncate long event descriptions
- Enhancement: Updated Event description field with placeholder text
- Enhancement: Updated Events block to display a “sold out” message when all tickets have been sold
- Enhancement: Updated Events block to display an “Ended” message when the event date has passed
- Enhancement: Updated Event list table to display correct revenue based on the number of tickets and price at the time of the purchase
- Enhancement: Updated donation form to hide gateway options when donation amount is zero
- Change: Due to Stripe API changes, we have removed the usage of the statement_descriptor attribute from the Stripe Payment Element Gateway
- Security: Updated our meta persistence in donor and donation repositories for safer data exchange
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the donor profile picture in donor list was not correct
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the donation form archive page not displaying all forms
- Fix: Restored keyboard accessibility in the donation amount field
- Fix: Explicitly execute script with PHP for Windows compatibility
- Fix: Prevent duplicated column error in Event Tickets migration
- Fix: Set content for missing title in event tickets template
- Fix: Display donation receipt in Form Grid modal after offline gateway redirect
- Fix: Updated the donor dashboard to use the date timestamp with the proper timezone
- Fix: Check if the form goal is enabled before calling the goal stats function
- Dev: Added a CSS class for each form design
- Dev: Updated Strauss installer script to auto download and use latest release
- Dev: Added renewal methods to the subscription model
3.19.4: January 7th, 2025
- Security: Added additional sanitization to the donation form request to prevent malicious encoded data
- Security: Added additional validation to the company field
3.19.3: December 24th, 2024
- Security: Added additional sanitization to the donation form request to prevent malicious serialized data (CVE-2024-12877)
3.19.2: December 17th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the custom donation amount field where using certain languages like Swedish were resulting in additional zero values being added
3.19.1: December 17th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal where some fields were not being validated properly before processing the donation
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal and emails with a plus sign trying to connect to GiveWP
- Fix: Updated the format of the donation count in the multi form goal progress stats
- Change: Updated subdivision ISO code for Odisha, India to OD (Open source submission by @sorensd)
3.19.0: December 5th, 2024
- New: Added support to the donor dashboard for managing recurring donations from our Blink Payment Gateway add-on
- Fix: Resolved a compatability issue with loading translations on WordPress 6.7
- Security: Added sanitization to the manual migrations parameters
3.18.0: November 20th, 2024
- New: Added support to our form migration process for our upcoming Constant Contact add-on 3.0.0 version
- New: The donor wall now shows the donor's uploaded image avatar when available
- New: Added a global setting to enable or disable the Option-Based Form Editor and settings.
- Fix: Resolved an issue with multi-step form designs growing extra space outside the form
- Fix: Resolved an issue where some people were not able to connect to PayPal
- Fix: Resolved an issue that was preventing the form migration process from completing
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the donation confirmation email sending the wrong donation description for visual form builder forms
- Dev: Addressed PHP 8.2 depreciation warnings in the Donation Session Object
3.17.2: November 6th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the Donor Wall shortcode and block filtering by only_comments
- Fix: Resolved a WordPress 6.7 styling compatibility issue with the visual form builder
- Fix: Resolved an issue where Stripe Payment Element was causing an error when donation amount is zero
- Security: Removed Faker PHP library from production to prevent malicious direct access
- Security: Further improved our data sanitization and validation across all of GiveWP to prevent malicious serialized data
- Dev: Resolved php 8.1 compatibility warnings for Give_Addon_Activation_Banner, Give_License, and CurrencySwitcherSetting classes
3.17.1: October 22nd, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal donation buttons where clicking the GiveWP donate button was causing an error.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the donation amount level descriptions option was not visible in the form builder.
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the "Update Subscription" button being always disabled for Stripe in the donor dashboard.
- Fix: Resolved a styling issue in the donor dashboard with Stripe subscription amount fields.
3.17.0: October 16th, 2024
- New: Added new security tab with option to enable a honeypot field for visual builder forms
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the donor name prefix block not saving correctly
- Dev: Resolved php 8.1 compatability conflict with MyCLabs\Enum\Enum::jsonSerialize()
- Dev: Added gateway api updates for pausing subscriptions
3.16.5: October 15th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved a PHP v8+ fatal error on option-based forms when the Tributes add-on was enabled
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the donor dashboard menu not opening on mobile devices
3.16.4: October 10th, 2024
- Security: Added additional protection against serialized data in the option-based donation form request (CVE-2024-9634)
3.16.3: October 7th, 2024
- Security: Added additional validation to the donor title field, further protecting the option-based donation form request
3.16.2: September 25th, 2024
- Enhancement: Updated the visual builder header description field to use the rich text editor
- Enhancement: Updated the strings in the form builder onboarding buttons to be translatable (Open source submission by @DAnn2012)
- Enhancement: Updated strings in give settings to be translatable (Open source submission by @DAnn2012)
- Security: Added additional prevention for serialized data in the option-based donation form request
- Security: Added additional security measures to the legacy donor list table request (CVE-2024-9130)
- Fix: Resolved a styling issue with some text fields not respecting error border styling
- Fix: Resolved a styling issue with the anonymous block for WP 6.6 compatibility
- Dev: Removed defaultProps in favor of ES6 default parameters for React 19 compatibility
3.16.1: September 10th, 2024
- Security: Added additional protection to the option-based donation form request (CVE-2024-8353)
3.16.0: Aug 28th, 2024
- New: Added support for form taxonomy tags and categories in the visual form builder settings
- New: Added a setting to the visual form builder to enable redirecting to an individual donation confirmation page
- Enhancement: Multi-step form designs now scroll to the top of the form on step change
- Enhancement: Added individual form migration links to the donation form list table
- Enhancement: Updated various strings throughout GiveWP to be translatable (Open-source contribution by @DAnn2012)
- Security: Resolved security issues related to file paths and permissions (CVE-2024-6551)
- Security: Resolved security issue related to the PayPal disconnect button
- Fix: Added prevention of subscription renewals with gateway transaction IDs already used previously
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the donation form list table and form grid not loading properly on sites with a large number of forms and donations
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the form grid not showing header images and link previews
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the subscription payment failed email not saving the supported gateways information
3.15.1: Aug 22nd, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the Akismet integration preventing form submissions when settings are not yet configured
3.15.0: Aug 14th, 2024
- New: Added Akismet integration support to forms using the visual form builder
- New: Updated the onboarding wizard to create a new form with the visual form builder
- Changed: Updated the "Add Form" buttons to use the visual form builder by default
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Give Subscribers accessing their donor dashboard history
3.14.2: Aug 7th, 2024
- Security: Added additional security measures to the option-based donation form and the donor dashboard (CVE-2024-37099)
3.14.1: July 24th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an error with the give_totals shortcode when using multiple form IDs
3.14.0: July 17th, 2024
- Enhancement: Updated the visual donation form builder with various UI design improvements
- Enhancement: Updated the form builder design tab preview to be more responsive
- Enhancement: Improved the design of single active gateways on forms
- Enhancement: Improved the login block design
- Enhancement: Improved the Terms & Conditions block UI
- Enhancement: Improved the donate button hover state & secure donation tag
- Enhancement: Improved the donor title prefix setting styles
- Enhancement: Improved the checkbox style for form builder Build & Design screens
- Enhancement: Improved the Consent block by removing "Link Text" option when "Show terms in form" display type is selected
- Enhancement: Improved the File Upload field interactivity to limit the button scope
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the drag and drop block placement in the form builder
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the Give Goal and Multi-Form Goal blocks and shortcodes were displaying the wrong donation amount
- Fix: Resolved an issue when exporting donations that use Razorpay gateway
- Fix: Resolved an issue in the form builder where recurring donations descriptions were not always matching frequency selection
- Fix: Resolved an issue with custom donor columns in csv exports and revive filter give_export_donors_get_default_columns
- Security: Resolved various security issues related to user permissions
3.13.0: June 26th, 2024
- New: Added option to PayPal settings to keep webhooks when disconnecting account
- Enhancement: Updated donor comment block active state border color to be the primary color
- Enhancement: Updated form builder global settings links to open in new tabs
- Fix: Resolved an issue with some validation errors using Stripe Payment Element Gateway not displaying information correctly
- Fix: Resolved an issue with Stripe accounts using API keys and the Stripe Payment Element Gateway
3.12.3: June 19th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue where PayPal was not processing donations due to missing billing address fields
3.12.2: June 11th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue where only the donation amount was sent to PayPal, ignoring event ticket values for one-time donations.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where donations were processed on PayPal but not recorded in GiveWP due to missing city, state, and zip fields.
3.12.1: June 5th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the Donor Phone field was not included in the donor export
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the Billing Address field was not saved in Stripe
- Security: Added additional escaping to Stripe onboarding
- Dev: Added a new filter
to allow customization of the log source column
3.12.0: May 15th, 2024
- New: Updated the donation amount block with options for donation amount level description in the visual form builder
- New: Updated form goal settings with options for start and end dates in the visual form builder
3.11.0: May 7th, 2024
- New: Added pre-requisite form builder compatibility for upcoming ConvertKit add-on release
- New: Added ability to customize alt tags for header images in the visual form builder
- Security: Added additional escaping to the give_form shortcode
- Security: Added additional sanitization to the custom css field in the form builder
3.10.0: April 30th, 2024
- New: Added pre-requisite form builder compatibility for upcoming ActiveCampaign add-on release
- Enhancement: Updated PayPal support phone number
- Enhancement: Updated various strings to be translatable (open-source contribution by @DAnn2012)
- Security: sanitize additional give_form shortcode args
- Fix: Resolved styling issues with recurring labels in the form builder
3.9.0: April 24th, 2024
- New: Added a donor phone number block to the form builder to collect donor phone numbers on donation forms
- Enhancement: Updated form field inputs to have a single border color when selected
3.8.0: April 17th, 2024
- New: Added pre-requisite form builder compatibility for upcoming double the donation add-on release
- Enhancement: Updated the form builder tour to highlight where to find the guided tour again
- Dev: Added BlockType api for easier block to field conversion
3.7.0: April 10th, 2024
- New: Added pre-requisite form builder compatibility for upcoming constant contact add-on release
- New: Added phone number field to the donor details page, more updates for this field will come in future releases!
- Enhancement: Updated the form block option to select more available forms than the original limit of 10
- Enhancement: Updated the form builder left-side menu to open automatically when entering the build screen
- Security: Added sanitizing and escaping to shortcodes
- Fix: Resolved a conflict with GiveWP and WordPress bulk actions functionality
3.6.2: April 5th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with WordPress 6.5 and the visual form builder that was making it difficult to interact with blocks
3.6.1: March 21st, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal donations and currency switcher on donation forms using the visual form builder
3.6.0: March 13th, 2024
- New: Introduced a new beta feature called "Event Tickets" that is open for feedback! If enabled, you can create events and sell tickets on your donation forms.
- New: Added a new form builder layout called "Two Panel" that offers a side-by-side appearance and a multi-step donation experience.
- New: Added a new setting in the form builder styles tab for the header image overlay
- Fix: Resolved several styling issues with the donation form modal
- Fix: Resolved styling conflicts with native WordPress UI components
3.5.1: March 6th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal that was preventing the ability to connect a PayPal account to GiveWP.
3.5.0: February 29th, 2024
- Security: Resolved a couple potential security vulnerabilities
- New: Added the ability to add a header image to forms in the Visual Form Builder
- Fix: Resolved an issue with new Stripe accounts having trouble making credit card donations
- Fix: Resolved a PayPal Donations issue where the donation buttons didn't show up in the modal view of an Option-Based Form Editor form
3.4.2: February 19th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal donations that ensures the correct donation amount will be used after filling out payment details and modifying the original amount.
3.4.1: February 13th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the default email block that ensures it is always a required field in the donation form.
3.4.0: February 8th, 2024
- Fix: Resolved several issues with the billing address block including dynamically requiring certain fields and allowing state/county field input
- Fix: Resolved an issue with multi step form layout where the title was missing on the first step when show header was disabled
- Fix: Resolved errors when adding/removing a sub-site in a WP multisite environment (open-source contribution by @Genevieve-K)
- Fix: Resolved an issue with form modals and some gateways that redirect offsite to display the confirmation page after a donation
- Fix: Resolved a fields api compatability issue with showInReceipt metaKey
- Fix: Resolved a nonce validation issue with translated values (open-source contribution by @Genevieve-K)
- Fix: Resolved a PHP 8 compatability issue with the system info page (open-source contribution by @JeromeBeckett)
- Fix: Resolved several styling issues with the form modal block
- Fix: Updated Stripe connect redirect to be limited to specific pages
- New: Added form migration step for the GiveWP Gift Aid add-on
- New: Added new filter
to modify the Stripe Payment Element gateway appearance options
- New: Added donation form processing lifecycle actions for more programmatic control over form processing
- Enhancement: Made donation list table programmatically extendable (open-source contribution by @pulsovi)
- Enhancement: Improved the flexibility of donation confirmation page detail values to allow sanitized html
- Enhancement: Added new filter to the gateways block to control visibility
- Enhancement: Made several improvements to the give importer for third-parties and admin
3.3.1: January 23rd, 2024
- Fix: Resolved an issue checking for the GiveWP Funds and Designations add-on information during form migrations
3.3.0: January 10th, 2024
- Happy new year!
- Fix: Resolved an issue where some migrated forms were being duplicated
- Fix: Resolved an issue with the donor export filter by donation form
- Fix: Added additional attribute escaping to the donor wall shortcode
- Enhancement: Improved current compatibility with PHP 8.2
- Enhancement: Improved the UI of the visual donation form builder to be more intuitive with dedicated Build, Design, and Settings screens
- New: The donor dashboard now has a way to update and reset passwords
- New: Added pre-requisite v3 compatibility updates for the Give Funds and Designations add-on
- New: Added v3 form migration compatibility for select GiveWP add-ons including: Mailchimp, Funds and Designations, and Per-Form Gateways
- New: Added a new programmatic way to interact with the v3 confirmation page using our fields api
3.2.2: Dec 20th, 2023
- Fix: Resolved an error on the donor details page when they have no donations
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the continue button setting was not being reflected on forms using legacy template
3.2.1: Dec 13th, 2023
- Fix: Resolved an issue that was duplicating the "Donate Now" button on legacy form template
- Fix: Resolved an issue that was preventing display options from being reflected on the form
- Fix: Removed an error notice that was showing up on admin menu pages
- Fix: Resolved an error in the donation form block when the admin page is refreshed
3.2.0: Dec 6th, 2023
- New: Embed form button added to the Visual Donation Form Builder
- New: Pre-publish confirmation panel added to the Visual Donation Form Builder
- Enhancement: Updated parts of the Form Builder text areas to Text Editors to provide more formatting options
- Enhancement: Improved compatibility with the donation block and Visual Builder forms
- Enhancement: All donors are connected with a user for improved security and caching compatibility
- Enhancement: Improve the Name, and Terms and Conditions blocks with global settings
- Fix: Resolved some strange behaviors when using the Amount Levels setting in the Form Builder
- Fix: Removed WP_Background_Process and WP_Async_Request to avoid conflicts with other plugins
- Fix: Donor honorific (Mr, Mrs, etc) is now properly saved as part of the donor record
- Fix: PayPal Donations displays a helpful error message when incorrect credit card information is entered
- Fix: Visual Donation Form Builder loading is improved by preventing the formBuilderSettings meta from becoming too large
- Fix: Resolved an issue where some donations list tables were failing to load due to missing donation mode meta
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the donation forms list tables were resulting in duplicate forms
- Fix: Resolved an issue where PayPal smart buttons were not being displayed on embedded forms using legacy template
- Fix: Resolved an issue with PayPal donations and fee recovery where the fee was not being added to the donation total
3.1.1: November 3rd, 2023
- Fix: Embedded forms created with the Visual Builder now redirect to the confirmation page after a completed donation.
- Fix: Donor title prefixes are now formatted as strings (like Mr or Ms) instead of numbers.
3.1.0: October 25th, 2023
- Feature: Design Mode changes in the Form Builder are now instant and awesome! Instant gratification!
- Feature: Donor prefixes can now easily be reordered in the Donor Name block
- Feature: The form goal is now changeable from the Design mode of the Form Builder
- Enhancement: The form goal amount now better displays the currency amount
- Enhancement: The first time a form (in the form builder) is saved, the title is used as the page slug
- Enhancement: Improved translations in the form builder and gateways
- Enhancement: Compatibility improvements in preparation of WordPress 6.4
- Enhancement: Improved donor flow that passes along their name, email, and address to PayPal Donations
- Fix: Minor wording improvement on the login block
- Fix: Added a give_user_info_fields_user_info filter to allow for customizing the user info fields
- Fix: Links on the donor list table now work properly on sub-directory WordPress instances
- Fix: Resolved an issue where errors failed to display on older forms upon donation submission
- Fix: Multi-form, form grid, and totals shortcodes no longer throw a warning
- Fix: Multi-form goal block no longer throws an error when filtering by form
- Fix: Multi-form and progress bar goals no longer throw an error for themes that return false for get_theme_support
- Fix: Resolved old GiveWP behavior that altered default WordPress behavior when retrieving GiveWP post type meta
3.0.4: October 30th, 2023
- Fix: Resolved issue with some Stripe gateways not recording incoming recurring donation renewals. To recover missing renewals from Stripe in GiveWP, please use the "Sync Subscription" button on the individual subscription details page. Click here to learn more about syncing subscriptions in GiveWP.
3.0.3: October 20th, 2023
- Fix: Using the multi-form shortcode with the ids attribute no longer causes a fatal error
- Fix: Forms no longer have fatal errors on Elementor websites when the Display Content option is enabled
3.0.2: October 19th, 2023
- Fix: Stripe per-form settings are included when migrating a form to the Visual Donation Form Builder
- Fix: Gateways are properly separated in the settings page and Global Settings for Fee Recovery shows all gateways when you select per gateway
3.0.1: October 17th, 2023
- Fix: Resolved a conflict with Matomo plugin that was causing a fatal error
3.0.0: October 16th, 2023
- New: Try out the all new Visual Donation Form Builder!
- New: All new form infrastructure for forms using the Form Builder!
- New: Stripe Payment Element gateway for Stripe with support for many types of payment methods
- New: Existing forms can be migrated and upgrade to use the Form Builder
See the full GiveWP changelog on Github