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开发者 glo3d
更新时间 2020年4月1日 05:17
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


360 spin 360 spin app FREE 360 spin plugin 360 spin plug in 360 product photography plug in FREE wordpress 360 product photography app How to embed 360 photo to wordpress FREE 360 product photography app


1.0 2.0


Combination of this plugin and Glo3D mobile/desktop app, offers an end to end solution, to capture, edit, share and embed 360 photo of any product to your website. To get more information about Glo3D platform, including the app and other available plugins, visit our website at This plugin adds a new block to gutenberg if you are using wordpress 5.0 and above. This block works like an embed block and you can paste the link to your Glo3D 360 model here. After that, your 360 model will be shown below the text box for preview purposes and once you save the post or page, you can see it on your front end. If you are using wordpress without gutenberg support, this plugin adds a button to TinyMCE which is the wordpress default editor. By clicking on this button, you are asked to add a Glo3D url or Glo3D iframe code and it will extract the necessary data from the url and generates a short code for your Glo3D model. The short code will then be parsed by the plugin to embed your Glo3D model in an iframe in wordpress pages or posts.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/glo3d directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress


  • This is how the new button looks in gutenberg blocks.
  • This is how the new block looks in gutenberg.
  • This is how the new button looks in TinyMCE.


2.0 If you are using wordpress 5.0 and above which utilises gutenberg editor, install this update to benefit from the easy embedding feature. 1.0 This is the first version available on


Whats is Glo3D App?

Glo3D helps you Stand Out in the super busy online world. 360° Photo will give you a competitive edge by giving you the power to offer more than what others do. Capture, Edit, Share and Embed your portfolio in 360° format. Get higher audience engagement by showing your work from all angles. Conveniently drive e-commerce purchase decisions by creating the in-store experience through the use of interactive 360-degree product views. Save time on capturing product photographs from multiple angles.

How can I get a Glo3D url or embed code?

If you are already a member of Glo3D society and are using the mobile app, you can find the url of your model under share feature. If not you can signup in and start capturing your 360 models. You can always test the plugin using the models in

Can I embed all my Glo3D models?

You can only embed your public Glo3D models.

Do you have a sample Glo3D model that I can use to test the plugin?

You can use this url for your tests:


2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.0 1.0