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Gravity Forms Data Persistence Add-On Reloaded

开发者 unclhos
更新时间 2016年2月14日 23:30
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.9.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


plugin form addon extension field add-on gravity data plug-in persistence


3.2.3 3.3.0 3.3.1 3.2.2


Consider this scenario: a) Your site uses multipage Gravity Forms. b) Your user logs in to the site and starts filling up a 5-step form. c) During the 3rd step, the user leaves without completely finishing the form. d) Some days later, the user comes back and logs in to see that his inputs are all gone! This happens because Gravity Forms by default does not save partially submitted forms. Our plugin resolves this issue. Simple! 新特色
  1. Data can be saved automatically every 10 seconds via AJAXs.
  2. Disable persistence on a per field bases. Good for sensitive information you don't want saved.
  3. Can now persist data for guest users based on a cookie ID.
  1. Only 1 persistent form can be on a page.


  1. Upload extracted folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的的“Plugins”菜单激活插件
  3. Choose the required persistent settings on the individual form settings page.


  • This is a screenshot from the *FORM SETTINGS* page. This is where you activated persistence to work with each form.
  • This is a screenshot from the *FORM FIELD ADVANCE* settings *tab*. This will allow you to disable persistence on a per field bases.


Do I need to pay for this plugin as we do for Gravity Forms?

No, this is an absolutely free add-on.

Do you have any client support?

We don't provide a dedicated support, but we will try our best to reply you back. If there is a specific feature you would like to sponsor, you can email me directly at: me at robertiseley dot com


  1. No persist bug fixed.
  1. Changed saving hook from 'gform_post_submission' to 'gform_after_submission'
  2. Added feature to persist data for guest users.
  3. Fixed conflict with when other gravity forms are on page.
  4. Added 'gfdp_ajax_interval' filter to change ajax submission frequency.
  5. Added 'Purge' ability to allow admins to delete persistent data on demand.
  6. Persistence data can now "time out" after a set duration. This uses the WordPress Transient API.
  1. Fixed bug checking for empty variable when it always has one. Now persistence checking looking for 'off' also.
  1. Fixed bug on not saving persistence data during submit with “clear” not enabled.
  1. Fixed backward compatibiltiy bug with multiple entries feature.
  1. Added ajax save on 10 second timer. Will add custom timer in future. Sponsored by
  2. Add a "No Persist" setting for form feilds. Found under the "Advanced" tab for each fields settings. Sponsored by
  3. Changed variable names for uniformity. Still calling old variables for upgrade compatiblity.
  1. Persistent data call has been added to the first page only.
  1. Updated hook for javascript to work where form settings were moved to.
  2. Added an option to clear persistence for a user after they have submitted the form.
  3. Prepended functions names per's request to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
  4. Removed sql delete query in favor of using GF's class method.
3.0 Copy of orginal plugin by asthait