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开发者 MikevHoenselaar
更新时间 2015年11月5日 03:36
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
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google analytics gravityforms pageview ga



When using Gravity Forms and Google Analytics you want to measure conversion rates of forms. When working with AJAX and Gravity Forms a lot of it isn't visible in a report in GA. Thats where this plugin comes in. Confirmations When using a Page as Confirmation you can track that pretty easy in GA. The page has a unique URL. You want to use Text as Confirmation because you don't want visitors to leave the page the form is on. When you choose Text as Confirmation in Gravity Forms you can't measure that in Google Analytics by default. So you want to use an extra Pageview that we can track in Google Analytics. This plugin makes that really easy for you. You don't need any coding experience to get it working. Just make sure you have a working Google Analytics script on your website. The plugin supports Old notation (ga.js) and Universal Analytics (analytics.js). It only displays input fields for forms from Gravity Forms that have the radio button Text selected. Page and Redirects forms are shown but you can't add the extra URL. Multipage forms (since v0.7) There are situations when you want to use multipage forms in Gravity Forms. Or multistep forms. By default you don't know how far in the process visitors used the form. Or if they abandon your website in step 3. You can never know. Until now! With this plugin you can add custom URL's to use for every page. In Google Analytics you can setup your funnels this way and have better insights where visitors have problems. There is a fallback when you don't add custom URL's so you will always measure your pages. Plugin is developed by Online Boswachters Online Boswachters is a Dutch online marketing agency at its core with a lot of development knowledge. We use that knowledge on a lot of WordPress sites as well. Visit to see our portfolio of WordPress sites we manage and developed as well. Questions or feedback? You can always send an e-mail to if something isn't working for you or if you have an idea to improve the plugin. You want to use this plugin but don't have Gravity Forms Gravity Forms is the best plugin out there for working with forms in WordPress. You can start using Gravity Forms of course. Current pricing of Gravity Forms is $39.00, $99.00 and $199.00 USD. Purchase Gravity Forms (affiliate link, we receive 20% of the license you buy.)


  1. Upload gravityforms-ga folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Visit the Settings page of this plugin. You find it as a submenu under Gravity Forms main menu.
You can also do it from within WordPress. There is an 'Add New' button on the Plugins WP Admin page. It saves you the download :). ! If you don't see the Add new plugin button on the Plugins page in your WP Admin there is a setting inside wp-config that prevents it.!


Does it support Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast?

Yoast currently doesn't support Universal Analytics. If he does we make sure we check automatically if we have to use Universal Analytics or not.

Will it support Contact Form 7?

We are currently investigating if we can make the plugin available for Contact Form 7 as well.

Do you support other languages than English?

We are working on that :).

We want to know which fields were filled in on every page, is that possible?

We are working on that :).


0.8 (3 november 2015) 0.7.3 (4 december 2014) 0.7.2 (4 September 2014) 0.7.1 (30 May 2014) 0.7 (30 May 2014) 0.6.1 (28 April 2014) 0.5/0.6/0.6.1 (28 April 2014) 0.4 (24 April 2014) 0.3 (24 April 2014) 0.1 (April 2014)