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Gridy Portfolio

开发者 gangesh
更新时间 2015年9月14日 21:22
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


portfolio grid expandable grid portfolio



Gridy portfolio display your work effectively with google like expandable preview with title, description and project link. DEMO For project url add custom field 'g_link' while adding new project. Feel free to suggests new features.


  1. Log in to your website administrator panel.
  2. Go to Plugins page, and add new plugin.
  3. Upload plugin zip file.
  4. Click Install Now button.
  5. Then click Activate Plugin button.
  6. Use shortcode [gportfolio] to any page to list all portfolio items. Add optional column number, [gportfolio col=4]. There are three options at the moment. 2, 3(default), 4.


  • Frontend