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WPForms Google Sheet Connector

开发者 westerndeal
更新时间 2025年2月5日 20:31
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


WPFORMS Google Sheet Integration WPForms Google Sheet WPForms Google Sheet Integration Contact Form Google Sheet Integration


3.4.1 3.4 3.4.5 3.2 3.4.4 3.4.2 3.4.6 3.4.17 3.4.18 3.4.20 3.3 3.4.12 3.4.13 3.4.15 3.4.16 3.4.19 3.4.21 3.4.22 3.4.23 3.4.25 3.4.7 3.4.9


This is an Addon Plugin of WPForms, A bridge between your WordPress based WPForms and Google Sheets. It helps to record the entries in real-time. When a visitor submits the form on your website from the frontend using WPForms, upon the form submission, such responses/filled entries are also sent to Google Sheets. Compatible with WPForms Lite and PRO Versions Homepage | Documentation | Support | Demo | Premium Version 🤝 PRO FEATURES 🙌 Get a rid of making mistakes while adding the sheet settings or adding the headers manually to the sheet column. We have Launched the WPForms Google Sheet Connector Pro version with more automated features. ➜ Custom Google API Integration Settings ➜ Allowing to Create a New Sheet from Plugin Settings ➜ Custom Ordering Feature / Manage Fields to Display in Sheet using Enable-Disable / Edit the Fields/ Headers Name to display in Google Sheet. ➜ Using all the Smart Tags Fields in Headers ➜ Syncronize Existing Entries for WPForms PRO users ➜ Freeze Header Settings ➜ Header Color and Row Odd/Even Colors. Refer to the features and benefits page for more detailed information on the features of the WPForms Google Sheet PRO Addon Plugin ⚡️ Check Live Demo Demo URL: WPForms Demo Google Sheet URL to Check submitted Data ✨ How to Use this Plugin 🔥 Videos to help you get started with WPForms Google Sheets Connector 🚀WPForms Forms Google Sheet Connector Introduction Video [youtube] Important Notes ➜ You must pay very careful attention to your naming. This plugin will have unpredictable results if names and spellings do not match between your Google Sheets and WPForms settings. 👉 Get WPForms PRO today


  1. Upload gsheetconnector-wpforms to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, OR Site Admin > Plugins > New > Search > GsheetConnector Wpforms > Install.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Admin Panel > WPForms > Google Sheet > Integration screen to connect to Google Sheets by entering the Access Code. You can get the Access Code by clicking the "Get Code" button. Enjoy!


  • How to Enter Sheet Name and Tab Name is shown.
  • Entering the Field Header Names Manually in the Connected Sheet and Submitting the form.
  • System Status.
  • Extensions.


How to get smart tag like query_vars, user_meta key values to the Sheet?

  • First, use hook "wpforms_smart_tags" to add the smart tags with the key for which you want the value to the Google Sheet as below example.
add_filter( "wpforms_smart_tags", "edit_smart_tags" ); public function edit_smart_tags( $tags ) { $tags['query_var key="wpformstest"'] = esc_html__( 'Query String Variable', 'wpforms-lite' ); return $tags; } * Add same key ( query_var key="wpformstest" ) to the Google Sheet header to get the values. = entry_id and entry_date smart tag not getting saved to the Google Sheet.
  • WPForms lite version don't save form submitted entries to the database. For a reason entry_id is zero(0) and entry_date is null. Hence not being saved to the Google Sheet.


= 3.4.25 = (31-01-2025) = 3.4.19 = (07-06-2024) Added: UI changes. = 3.4.18 = (09-03-2024) Added: Add links for support,docs,upgrade to pro. = 3.4.17 = (28-12-2023) Fixed: Connected email account display issue. = 3.4.16 = (30-10-2023) Fixed: error displayed for dashboard widget. = 3.4.15 = (11-10-2023) Fixed: Solved PHP Warning and compatible with PHP 8.X. = 3.4.14 = (11-10-2023) Added : The Google API Client Library has been upgraded to version 2.12.6, incorporating Guzzle HTTP version 7.4.3. Added : Update enhances reliability and debugging capabilities, ensuring smoother integration with Google services. Added : Added Language files for French, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian. = 3.4.13 = (22-09-2023) Fixed: error displayed for dashboard widget. Added : For user without Google Drive and Google Sheets permissions Authentication shown alert with message. UI Changes : Redesigned System Status and Error Log for improved functionality and user experience. = 3.4.12 = (10-08-2023) Fixed : Duplicate entry issue resolved. Added : Transfering old setting to a new feed while updating. Fixed : css issue. = 3.4.11 = (07-08-2023) Added : Moved old settings to new settings. Fixed : Undefined function resolved. UI Changes : Showcasing PRO Features in WPForms > GSheetConnector Feeds. = 3.4.10 = (03-08-2023) Added : Google sheet Setting added in Edit forms > GSheetConnector Added : System Status tab added. = 3.4.9 = (24-07-2023) Fixed : revert some changes. = 3.4.8 = (24-07-2023) Added : UI changes. = 3.4.7 = (10-06-2023) Fixed : smart_tags undefined issue resolved = 3.4.6 = (28-04-2023) Added : Remove access permission from google account while deactivating authentication. Fixed : Undefined class issue solved. Fixed : Vulnerabilities issues. = 3.4.5 = (30-07-2022) 3.4.4 3.4.3 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.0 1.3 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0