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Photo Gallery - GT3 Image Gallery & Gutenberg Block Gallery

开发者 gt3themes
更新时间 2024年12月10日 00:16
PHP版本: 6.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


gallery image gallery photo gallery wordpress gallery plugin gallery block



GT3 Photo Gallery is a WordPress plugin that comes with a set of different custom gallery blocks. It is absolutely free. The GT3 gallery plugin allows extending the functionality of the classic WordPress image gallery. You can easily customize the look and feel of any photo or video gallery using the global GT3 photo gallery settings along with the custom settings for each individaul gallery. Create an awesome look for your photo galleries with ease. Drag and drop images and videos to your gallery and publish them on your website in minutes. The current version of the GT3 photo & video gallery plugin works with latest Gutenberg blocks editor. Important: The latest plugin version meets all Google Pagespeed requirements and if you check our sample photo gallery speed test you will get 100 score. Check Gallery Pagespeed Test How to Add GT3 Photo & Video Gallery Block in Gutenberg In this video you will see how easily you can create gallery using GT3 Gutenberg photo & video gallery blocks. [youtube] Please note that you can convert Gutenberg block gallery from Grid to Masonry and vice versa. Please read the plugin documentation to better understand how it work. Online Documentation Elementor Compatibility The lite version is fully compatible with Elementor page builder. It comes with Grid and Masonry photo gallery widgets. DIVI Compatibility The lite version has a custom post type "GT3 Galleries" that supports absolutely new "shortcode" system. You can create Grid and Masonry photo gallery and put its shortcode in the DIVI page builder. Stay Tuned: The new Gutenberg gallery blocks, Elementor and WPBakery compatible photo galleries will be released soon. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get latest news and updates. Pro Version There is a Pro version of this plugin. You can get it with 50% discount. Limited time offer. GT3 Photo & Video Gallery Pro What you get with Pro: GT3 Photo & Video Gallery in Action Oni Photography WordPress Theme JohnBlack Photographers WordPress Theme SOHO - Fullscreen Photo & Video WordPress Theme Photo Fullscreen WordPress Theme - Fliper Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme - SOHO Pro The advantages of GT3 Photo & Video Gallery plugin


After downloading the ZIP file,
  1. Log in to WordPress dashboard panel.
  2. Go to Plugins Add > New > Upload.
  3. Click Choose file (Browse) and select the downloaded zip file of the plugin.
  4. Click Install Now button.
  5. Click Activate Plugin button for activating the gallery plugin. If the installation does not succeed, please contact us.


  • Plugin preview on frontend
  • Plugin settings panel


How to add video to the gallery using plugin?

The Lite version of this plugin supports Youtube and Vimeo. The Pro one supports also self-hosted videos. To add the video to the gallery, please click any image in the gallery editor, you will get a WordPress popup window where you can add the url to the video on the right side of the page where the title, caption and other info is available.

Is your gallery plugin compatible with Gutenberg?

Yes. Our photo & video gallery plugin is fully compatible with Gutenberg editor. We've created a custom gallery block which allows you to add the images to any page, post etc. The gallery blocks has its custom settings like in the previous WordPress versions. While adding the Gutenberg block, please put GT3 and you will get our gallery block in the entire blocks list.

Can we use your gallery in WPBakery page builder?

Yes, you can add our GT3 photo & video gallery using the standard content module. You will be able to modify the gallery via the classic WordPress media. Just click edit image gallery in the content editor, you will get a popup window with the option to modify it. The custom photo & video gallery modules are available in Pro version.

Can we use your gallery in Elementor page builder?

Yes, since version you can add any of available galleries using Elementor page builder photo & video gallery widgets. You will get the same functionality as in the Gutenberg gallery block.

Can we use your gallery in Divi page builder?

Yes, the lite version comes with the shortcode system which allows you to create a photo gallery using a custom post type. Once it's created you can easily use the gallery shortcode on any page created with Divi builder.

Can we use your gallery in Beaver page builder?

Yes, the lite version comes with the shortcode system which allows you to create a photo gallery using a custom post type. Once it's created you can easily use the gallery shortcode on any page created with Beaver builder.

Can we use your gallery in the custom post types?

Yes, you can do that. Our image gallery is based on the standard WordPress gallery functionality, so you can use it in the custom post types and blog post formats. Please note that CPT should have a classic or Gutenberg editor support.

What happens with our existing galleries if we remove the plugin?

The main idea of the plugin was to keep your galleries on the website even if you remove our plugin. If you disable or remove the plugin all your galleries will be loading on the website. The only difference, they will have a standard WordPress gallery look.

How can we categorize the galleries? Is it possible to do that?

You can't do that at the moment. We are going to create a custom post type GT3 Galleries where you can add the different categories and display them on the website. You will also be able to create galleries with the categories and filter them using iSotope. This option will be available in Pro version.

The images are loading slowly. What should we do?

It happens because of the uploaded image size. Very often people upload the original images to the media higher than Full HD, in this case the size of the image can reach up to 8-10 MB. If you have for example 10 images on the page the page size will be approximately 80 MB which causes the slow page loading. For such users we've created GT3 Image Optimizer plugin, it optimizes all your media library to Full HD format and compress them. You can read more about it on our website.

How can I link the image to external link?

Yes, we have this option available in Pro version of this photo & video gallery plugin. You can easily add the external URL/link to any image from the image gallery.

Does the plugin have a gallery shortcode?

Yes, the shortcode system is supported in the custom post type "GT3 Galleries". At the moment it supports Grid, Masonry in the Lite version and Packery in Pro.

Does the plugin have image lazy loading option?

Yes, the plugin has a built-in lazy loading functionality. You can enable or disable it for the galleries.

Does the plugin work with WooCommerce

You can add any type of the gallery block into the product description. But we also work on the option to display the WooCommerce products within our gallery.

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