You can insert the H-Gallery by pasting the shortcode into the content area of a page or post.
[Gallery-H album='ALBUMTITLE template='t2']
Be sure to use the HTML editor when inserting shortcodes!
To customize your Album, there are optional attributes that can be used with the shortcode.
The most important attributes supported by the '[Gallery-H]' shortcode are:
YES, if you using the templates t1, t2, t3, t4 without fullscreen option NO (at this moment), if you using the template t5 or a gallery with fullscreen option
YES. All you do is insert the following line into your theme where you want the H-Gallery to appear:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[Gallery-H album='ALBUMTITLE']') ?>
Indeed, e.g. add error handling, HTML validation (alt tag), stylesheet management, more templates, more shortcode parameters, import georss