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ham3da integration for OxaPay

开发者 ham3da
更新时间 2025年2月27日 02:55
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


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ham3da integration for OxaPay is a WooCommerce plugin that allows your customers to pay for their orders using cryptocurrency. It provides a seamless and secure checkout experience, making it easy for your customers to shop with their preferred digital assets. Key features


  1. Upload ham3da integration for OxaPay to your wordpress and activate it.
  2. Go to the Admin panel -> Woocommerece -> Settings -> Payments -> OxaPay.
  3. Enable it and complete the settings.
  4. You can now make a test purchase with this payment gateway.


  • ham3da integration for OxaPay plugin settings (2)
  • Checkout and OxaPay payment method
  • OxaPay hosted invoice(1) - Select currency and network to pay. Displayed to the user after he clicked the "Pay with OxaPay" button.
  • OxaPay hosted invoice(2) - Send currency to the displayed address. Displayed to the user after he clicked the "Proceed to payment" button.
  • Steps to create an Merchant API Key in OxaPay dashboard.


How do I pay a OxaPay invoice?

You must send the invoice amount to the displayed wallet address for the invoice to change to paid status.

Does OxaPay have a test environment?

Yes, You can use "sandbox" as an Merchant API key for testing.

I need support from OxaPay

  • If you encounter a problem with the plugin, submit your problem via reviews.
  • If you have any problems with gateway on, you can chat with their online support through the OxaPay website.

Plugin installation

  1. Get started by signing up for a OxaPay Merchant API
  2. Look for the OxaPay plugin via the WordPress Plugin Manager. From your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New > Search plugins and type OxaPay
  3. Select ham3da integration for OxaPay and click on Install Now and then on Activate Plugin
After the plugin is activated, OxaPay will appear in the WooCommerce > Settings > Payments section.


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