Display hashed URL values in your page content using simple shortcode. Ex. Visit
josh.dvvvvvvvv.com/#name=Bob - replace 'Bob' with anything else for a different result.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Use the plugin's shortcode [echo-hash param_name] in the content of your pages and posts, replacing 'param_name' with the name of the parameter you wish to display.
- Use hashes in your URL to display their value in the page.
For instance, if your page URL is
http://mysite.com/page/#name=John Doe/age=43, then 'John Doe' will be displayed wherever [echo-hash name] is inserted, and '43' will be displayed wherever [echo-hash age] is inserted.
Ex. Visit
josh.dvvvvvvvv.com/#name=Josh or
josh.dvvvvvvvv.com/#name=Josh/salutation=Mr. - replace 'Josh' or 'Mr.' with anything else for a different result. My WordPress page content is simply: Hi [echo-hash salutation] [echo-hash name] - you can replace 'salutation' or 'name' with anything else and place as many as you like anywhere in your content that you like.