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Image Headlines

开发者 Rojoro
更新时间 2008年3月25日 18:39


images replacement headlines





IMPORTANT NOTE! As of version 1.4 of the WordPress Plugin Manager, TTF font files are not allowed elements of plugins. Hence, the bundled font is not installed correctly. You will need to download the tarball or ZIP file and install the font into the WordPress installation�s �wp-content/image-headlines� directory. Sorry about that. Your best bet is to first install the WordPress Plugin Manager and then perform a One-Click installation from there. That�s as simple as it gets. Failing that, you�re welcome to download the files and install the image-headlines.php file in 'wp-content/plugins' and the warp1.ttf file in a directory that you create called 'wp-content/image-headlines'. That should get everything where it needs to go. You�ll then need to visit the plugins page of the WordPress administration and activate the plugin. See, don�t you wish you�d just used the Plugin Manager? In order to have your titles turned into images, you have to change how you get your titles! Why? Well, if I went around changing every single invocation of the title into an image you�d have images in your RSS feeds and anywhere else you call �the_title()�. You don�t want that. Instead, you tell me which of your titles you want to be images. You do that by editing your template�for instance, your Main Template which generally controls how your home page will look�and search for the following text: 'the_title();' Shouldn�t be hard to find. Make certain that this is the one you want changed, it might appear elsewhere in the file. This is the one somewhere after the �while (have_posts()) : the_post()� stuff. You�ll change this text to look like this instead: 'the_title('-image-');'