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Hello Dolly For Your Song

开发者 unmus
更新时间 2024年4月27日 00:47
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5.2
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


random admin love hello world learning wordpress


0.11 0.16 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.10 0.14 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


This simple plugin is an extended version of the famous hello dolly plugin by Matt Mullenweg. Every human being has a special relationship to a particular song. And because of that, Hello Dolly For Your Song brings the lyric of your favourite song in the blog. But of course it can be used for any text. ;-) Features Related Links


  1. Download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Repository
  2. Activate the plugin in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings > Hello Dolly Your Song to configure your songtext


0.19 This version is a security release (no new features, but more secure code). 0.18 This version is a maintenance release (no new features, but bugfixes). 0.17 This version brings russian translation. 0.16 This version brings Site Health Integration. 0.15 This version brings Gutenberg Support. 0.14 This version brings more stability on the user interface 0.13 This version brings Gutenberg Plugin Support and some Hooks for WordPress Developers 0.12 This version supports the WordPress REST API and can be used better to learn WordPress Plugin Development 0.11 This version optimizes the template tag, brings a getter function and supports indonesian language. 0.10 This version includes only minor changes. 0.9 This version supports french language, hidden options and brings more security. 0.8 This version supports template tags for WordPress themes. 0.7 This version supports the WordPress Settings API.


I have not maintained a songtext, nevertheless some lyrics is displayed in the admin head.

This is Hello Dolly by Louis Armstrong. If no text is maintained in the options, the programm uses the songtext of Hello Dolly.

Where do I find the gutenberg block?

You find the block in the category "widgets".

How can I use the shortcode?

Type [hdfys] in a blank line in the WordPress editor.

How can I bring the widget in the blog with a custom widget title?

You can define the title in the settings of the widget.

How can I integrate the random lyric in the theme?

Use the template tag hello_dolly_for_your_song() in your theme file. The random line will directly printed embedded within a container.

I do only want to use the capabilities in the frontend and fade out the text in the admin panel. Is this possible?

You can use the hidden option for that! Please set the option "hdfys_admin_lyric" to 0 in the table wp_options within your WordPress database. Because of that the lyric in the admin panel will be faded out. Going back to standard settings, just set the value to 1.

Can I assign custom css?

Yes, you can. Each output of this plugin has individual css classes. Please use your debugging tools, to find the classes.

How can I deinstall Hello Dolly For Your Song?

You can use the regular way on the plugin page. After deinstallation your wordpress is really clean.

I have maintained a continuous text and this breaks the admin layout partly?

Helly Dolly For Your Song works for texts in poem style. This means you need a text with word wraps after each line or sentence. If you want to use a continuous text in the plugin, you should add word wraps after each sentence.

Does the plugin provide an API?

You can access the random line with the function get_hello_dolly_for_your_song() in other plugin code or via functions.php. The function returns just one single random line without markup for further processing.

Does the plugin supports the WordPress REST API?

Yes! :-D You can access the endpoint with http://yourblogdomain/wp-json/restful-hello-dolly-for-your-song/text. The endpoint delivers one random line back. So it's not really REST, it's only "READ".

Is is possible to manipulate the HTML-output before rendering?

The HTML-oupt of the gutenberg block, template tag or shortcode can be manipulated. This will be made with the Filter hdfys_output_filter. Below you find a code example.

Why is the random line not shown on all admin pages?

Several admin pages like settings are excluded, because some plugins do not use the wordpress standard layout. To avoid breaks in the user design, these pages are excluded.


0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1